Can a cdf file looks like that???

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Reotaro Hashemoto, Apr 9, 2008.

  1. Hi,

    I saw the cdf file format in cdf skill manual. However, i got this cdf
    file (got from the text).
    Is that a cdf skill file?? It's written in one line!! (please see

    Is it possible to convert it to the template shape in the manual?

    Thanks in advance,

    ((nil name "lxParamsToIgnore" paramType "string" defValue "wCdl
    nfingers" prompt "lxParamsToIgnore" choices nil parseAsNumber nil
    units nil use nil display "nil" editable "nil" dontSave nil callback
    nil storeDefault nil parseAsCEL nil) (nil name
    "lxParamsToIgnoreForCheck" paramType "string" defValue "SDswapSign
    leftShape rightShape gateSDinc gateGateInc" prompt
    "lxParamsToIgnoreForCheck" choices nil parseAsNumber nil units nil use
    nil display "nil" editable "nil" dontSave nil callback nil
    storeDefault nil parseAsCEL nil) (nil name "gateGateInc" paramType
    "string" defValue "0" prompt "gateGateInc" choices nil parseAsNumber t
    units nil use nil display "nil" editable "nil" dontSave nil callback
    nil storeDefault nil parseAsCEL t) (nil name "gateSDinc" paramType
    "string" defValue "0" prompt "gateSDinc" choices nil parseAsNumber t
    units nil use nil display "nil" editable "nil" dontSave nil callback
    nil storeDefault nil parseAsCEL t) (nil name "enableDNW" paramType
    "boolean" defValue nil prompt "Enable DNW" choices nil parseAsNumber
    nil units nil use nil display "nil" editable "nil" dontSave nil
    callback nil storeDefault nil parseAsCEL nil) (nil name "shrinkNW"
    paramType "boolean" defValue nil prompt "Shrink NW" choices nil
    parseAsNumber nil units nil use nil display "nil" editable "nil"
    dontSave nil callback nil storeDefault nil parseAsCEL nil) (nil name
    "flushNW" paramType "boolean" defValue nil prompt "Flush NW" choices
    nil parseAsNumber nil units nil use nil display "nil" editable "nil"
    dontSave nil callback nil storeDefault nil parseAsCEL nil) (nil name
    "rightBodyTie" paramType "cyclic" defValue "None" prompt "Right Body
    Tie" choices ("None" "Attached" "Detached") parseAsNumber nil units
    nil use nil display "cdfgData->layoutRule->value==\"DFM\"" editable
    "t" dontSave nil callback "CSRtsmcN65rfMOScallback(\"NMOS_DO33_NODNW
    \")" storeDefault nil parseAsCEL nil) (nil name "leftBodyTie"
    paramType "cyclic" defValue "None" prompt "Left Body Tie" choices
    ("None" "Attached" "Detached") parseAsNumber nil units nil use nil
    display "cdfgData->layoutRule->value==\"DFM\"" editable "t" dontSave
    nil callback "CSRtsmcN65rfMOScallback(\"NMOS_DO33_NODNW\")"
    storeDefault nil parseAsCEL nil) (nil name "routeSD" paramType
    "cyclic" defValue "None" prompt "Route Source/Drain" choices ("None"
    "Source" "Drain" "Both") parseAsNumber nil units nil use nil display
    "t" editable "t" dontSave nil callback nil storeDefault nil parseAsCEL
    nil) (nil name "polyContacts" paramType "boolean" defValue t prompt
    "Poly Contacts" choices nil parseAsNumber nil units nil use nil
    display "cdfgData->routePolydir->value!=\"None\"" editable "t"
    dontSave nil callback nil storeDefault nil parseAsCEL nil) (nil name
    "routePolydir" paramType "cyclic" defValue "Top" prompt "Route Poly"
    choices ("None" "Top" "Bottom" "Both") parseAsNumber nil units nil use
    nil display "t" editable "t" dontSave nil callback nil storeDefault
    nil parseAsCEL nil) (nil name "rightShape" paramType "cyclic" defValue
    "normal" prompt "ShareRightShape" choices ("normal" "same" "sameExt"
    "small" "smallExt" "large" "largeExt" "diff" "diffExt" "No_abutment")
    parseAsNumber nil units nil use nil display "nil" editable "nil"
    dontSave nil callback nil storeDefault nil parseAsCEL nil) (nil name
    "leftShape" paramType "cyclic" defValue "normal" prompt
    "ShareLeftShape" choices ("normal" "same" "sameExt" "small" "smallExt"
    "large" "largeExt" "diff" "diffExt" "No_abutment") parseAsNumber nil
    units nil use nil display "nil" editable "nil" dontSave nil callback
    nil storeDefault nil parseAsCEL nil) (nil name "sourceShare" paramType
    "cyclic" defValue "notShared" prompt "Source Share Type" choices
    ("notShared" "Shared") parseAsNumber nil units nil use nil display "t"
    editable "t" dontSave nil callback
    "CSRtsmcN65rfMOScallback(\"NMOS_DO33_NODNW\")" storeDefault nil
    parseAsCEL nil) (nil name "drainShare" paramType "cyclic" defValue
    "notShared" prompt "Drain Share Type" choices ("notShared" "Shared")
    parseAsNumber nil units nil use nil display "t" editable "t" dontSave
    nil callback "CSRtsmcN65rfMOScallback(\"NMOS_DO33_NODNW\")"
    storeDefault nil parseAsCEL nil) (nil name "xrc_sb" paramType "string"
    defValue "" prompt "Extracted LOD_SB" choices nil parseAsNumber nil
    units nil use nil display "cdfgData->xrc_sb->value!=\"\"" editable
    "nil" dontSave nil callback nil storeDefault nil parseAsCEL nil) (nil
    name "xrc_sa" paramType "string" defValue "" prompt "Extracted LOD_SA"
    choices nil parseAsNumber nil units nil use nil display "cdfgData-
    storeDefault nil parseAsCEL nil) (nil name "xrc_nrs" paramType
    "string" defValue "" prompt "Extracted Source Squares" choices nil
    parseAsNumber nil units nil use nil display "cdfgData->xrc_nrs->value!=
    \"\"" editable "nil" dontSave nil callback nil storeDefault nil
    parseAsCEL nil) (nil name "xrc_nrd" paramType "string" defValue ""
    prompt "Extracted Drain Squares" choices nil parseAsNumber nil units
    nil use nil display "cdfgData->xrc_nrd->value!=\"\"" editable "nil"
    dontSave nil callback nil storeDefault nil parseAsCEL nil) (nil name
    "xrc_ps" paramType "string" defValue "" prompt "Extracted Source
    Perimeter" choices nil parseAsNumber nil units nil use nil display
    "cdfgData->xrc_ps->value!=\"\"" editable "nil" dontSave nil callback
    nil storeDefault nil parseAsCEL nil) (nil name "xrc_pd" paramType
    "string" defValue "" prompt "Extracted Drain Perimeter" choices nil
    parseAsNumber nil units nil use nil display "cdfgData->xrc_pd->value!=
    \"\"" editable "nil" dontSave nil callback nil storeDefault nil
    parseAsCEL nil) (nil name "xrc_as" paramType "string" defValue ""
    prompt "Extracted Source Area" choices nil parseAsNumber nil units nil
    use nil display "cdfgData->xrc_as->value!=\"\"" editable "nil"
    dontSave nil callback nil storeDefault nil parseAsCEL nil) (nil name
    "xrc_ad" paramType "string" defValue "" prompt "Extracted Drain Area"
    choices nil parseAsNumber nil units nil use nil display "cdfgData-
    storeDefault nil parseAsCEL nil) (nil name "nrs" paramType "string"
    defValue "837.5m" prompt "Estimated Source Squares" choices nil
    parseAsNumber nil units nil use nil display "cdfgData-
    storeDefault nil parseAsCEL nil) (nil name "nrd" paramType "string"
    defValue "837.5m" prompt "Estimated Drain Squares" choices nil
    parseAsNumber nil units nil use nil display "cdfgData-
    storeDefault nil parseAsCEL nil) (nil name "ps" paramType "string"
    defValue "1.47u" prompt "Estimated Source Perimeter" choices nil
    parseAsNumber nil units nil use nil display "cdfgData-
    storeDefault nil parseAsCEL nil) (nil name "pd" paramType "string"
    defValue "1.47u" prompt "Estimated Drain Perimeter" choices nil
    parseAsNumber nil units nil use nil display "cdfgData-
    storeDefault nil parseAsCEL nil) (nil name "as" paramType "string"
    defValue "134f" prompt "Estimated Source Area" choices nil
    parseAsNumber nil units nil use nil display "cdfgData-
    storeDefault nil parseAsCEL nil) (nil name "ad" paramType "string"
    defValue "134f" prompt "Estimated Drain Area" choices nil
    parseAsNumber nil units nil use nil display "cdfgData-
    storeDefault nil parseAsCEL nil) (nil name "displayParasitics"
    paramType "boolean" defValue nil prompt "Display Parasitics" choices
    nil parseAsNumber nil units nil use nil display "t" editable "t"
    dontSave nil callback nil storeDefault nil parseAsCEL nil) (nil name
    "layoutRule" paramType "cyclic" defValue "onGrid" prompt "Layout
    Style" choices ("DFM" "onGrid") parseAsNumber nil units nil use nil
    display "t" editable "t" dontSave nil callback
    "CSRtsmcN65rfMOScallback(\"NMOS_DO33_NODNW\")" storeDefault nil
    parseAsCEL nil) (nil name "SDswapSign" paramType "string" defValue "1"
    prompt "S D swap Sign" choices nil parseAsNumber t units nil use nil
    display "nil" editable "nil" dontSave nil callback nil storeDefault
    nil parseAsCEL t) (nil name "SDswap" paramType "boolean" defValue nil
    prompt "SourceDrain swap" choices nil parseAsNumber nil units nil use
    nil display "t" editable "t" dontSave nil callback
    "CSRtsmcN65rfMOScallback(\"NMOS_DO33_NODNW\")" storeDefault nil
    parseAsCEL nil) (nil name "wCdl" paramType "string" defValue "iPar(\"w
    \")*iPar(\"array\")" prompt "total W with array" choices nil
    parseAsNumber t units nil use nil display "nil" editable "nil"
    dontSave nil callback nil storeDefault nil parseAsCEL t) (nil name
    "nfingers" paramType "string" defValue "iPar(\"nfing
    \")*iPar(\"SDswapSign\")" prompt "Number of Fingers" choices nil
    parseAsNumber t units nil use nil display "nil" editable "nil"
    dontSave nil callback nil storeDefault nil parseAsCEL t) (nil name
    "array" paramType "string" defValue "1" prompt "Multiplier" choices
    nil parseAsNumber t units nil use nil display "t" editable
    "deGetEditCellView()->cellViewType != \"maskLayout\"" dontSave nil
    callback "CSRtsmcN65rfMOScallback(\"NMOS_DO33_NODNW\")" storeDefault
    nil parseAsCEL t) (nil name "nfing" paramType "string" defValue "1"
    prompt "Number of Fingers" choices nil parseAsNumber t units nil use
    nil display "t" editable "t" dontSave nil callback
    "CSRtsmcN65rfMOScallback(\"NMOS_DO33_NODNW\")" storeDefault nil
    parseAsCEL t) (nil name "l" paramType "string" defValue "500n" prompt
    "l (M)" choices nil parseAsNumber t units "lengthMetric" use nil
    display "t" editable "t" dontSave nil callback
    "CSRtsmcN65rfMOScallback(\"NMOS_DO33_NODNW\")" storeDefault nil
    parseAsCEL t) (nil name "w" paramType "string" defValue "400n" prompt
    "Total w (M)" choices nil parseAsNumber t units "lengthMetric" use nil
    display "t" editable "t" dontSave nil callback
    "CSRtsmcN65rfMOScallback(\"NMOS_DO33_NODNW\")" storeDefault nil
    parseAsCEL t) (nil name "description" paramType "string" defValue
    "2.5Vod3.3V BB MOSFET w/o DNW" prompt "description" choices nil
    parseAsNumber nil units nil use nil display "t" editable "nil"
    dontSave nil callback nil storeDefault nil parseAsCEL nil) (nil name
    "model" paramType "string" defValue "NMOS_DO33_NODNW" prompt "Model
    name" choices nil parseAsNumber nil units nil use nil display "t"
    editable "nil" dontSave nil callback nil storeDefault nil parseAsCEL
    (nil cdsSpice (nil) spectreS (nil) hspiceS (nil) UltraSim (nil) eldo
    (nil) ADVance_MSS (nil) adit (nil) spectre (nil termMapping (nil D \:d
    G \:g S \:s B \:b) propMapping (nil m simM) instParameters (l w m ad
    as pd ps nrd nrs sa sb sca scb scc) otherParameters (model) termOrder
    (D G S B)) eldoD (nil netlistProcedure CSRtsmcN65rfMOSnetlistProc
    noPortDelimiter no current port namePrefix "X" termMapping (nil D \.D
    G \.G S \.S B \.B) termOrder (D G S B) instParameters (l w nfing array
    ad as pd ps nrd nrs sa sb sca scb scc) otherParameters (macro)
    propMapping (nil nfing nfingers ad xrc_ad as xrc_as pd xrc_pd ps
    xrc_ps nrd xrc_nrd nrs xrc_nrs sa xrc_sa sb xrc_sb xrc_sca xrc_scb
    xrc_scc) componentName subcircuit opParamExprList (("id"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"id\")") ("vgs"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"vgs\")") ("vds"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"vds\")") ("vth"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"vth\")") ("vdsat"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"vdsat\")") ("gm"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"gm\")") ("gds"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"gds\")") ("cdd"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"cdd\")") ("cdg"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"cdg\")") ("cds"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"cds\")") ("cdb"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"cdb\")") ("cgd"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"cgd\")") ("cgg"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"cgg\")") ("cgs"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"cgs\")") ("cgb"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"cgb\")") ("csd"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"csd\")") ("csg"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"csg\")") ("css"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"css\")") ("csb"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"csb\")") ("cbd"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"cbd\")") ("cbg"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"cbg\")") ("cbs"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"cbs\")") ("cbb"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"cbb\")") ("vod"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"vgs\")-OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\")
    \"vth\")")) modelParamExprList (("toxm" "MP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\")
    \"toxm\")") ("u0" "MP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"u0\")") ("ndep"
    "MP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"ndep\")") ("ngate"
    "MP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"ngate\")") ("nsd"
    "MP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"nsd\")") ("rsh"
    "MP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"rsh\")") ("rshg"
    "MP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"rshg\")") ("k1"
    "MP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"k1\")") ("k2"
    "MP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"k2\")") ("ua"
    "MP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"ua\")") ("ub"
    "MP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"ub\")") ("vsat"
    "MP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"vsat\")") ("alpha0"
    "MP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"alpha0\")") ("beta0"
    "MP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"beta0\")") ("ef"
    "MP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"ef\")") ("epsrox"
    "MP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"epsrox\")") ("vmax"
    "2*MP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"vsat\")"))) auLvs (nil
    netlistProcedure ansLvsCompPrim instParameters (l w m) componentName
    nch termOrder (D G S B) propMapping (nil m simM) namePrefix "M") auCdl
    (nil netlistProcedure tsmcCdlSubcktCall instParameters (l w nfing)
    componentName subcircuit termOrder (D G S B) namePrefix "X" modelName
    NMOS_DO33_NODNW propMapping (nil nfing nfingers w wCdl)) ams (nil
    isPrimitive t otherParameters (model) instParameters (model l w m ad
    as pd ps nrd nrs sa sb sca scb scc) propMapping (nil m simM)
    termMapping (nil D \:d G \:g S \:s B \:b) termOrder (D G S B))
    ADVance_MS (nil netlistProcedure CSRtsmcN65rfMOSnetlistProc
    noPortDelimiter no current port namePrefix "X" termMapping (nil D \.D
    G \.G S \.S B \.B) termOrder (D G S B) instParameters (l w nfing array
    ad as pd ps nrd nrs sa sb sca scb scc) otherParameters (macro)
    propMapping (nil nfing nfingers ad xrc_ad as xrc_as pd xrc_pd ps
    xrc_ps nrd xrc_nrd nrs xrc_nrs sa xrc_sa sb xrc_sb xrc_sca xrc_scb
    xrc_scc) componentName subcircuit opParamExprList (("id"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"id\")") ("vgs"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"vgs\")") ("vds"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"vds\")") ("vth"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"vth\")") ("vdsat"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"vdsat\")") ("gm"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"gm\")") ("gds"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"gds\")") ("cdd"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"cdd\")") ("cdg"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"cdg\")") ("cds"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"cds\")") ("cdb"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"cdb\")") ("cgd"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"cgd\")") ("cgg"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"cgg\")") ("cgs"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"cgs\")") ("cgb"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"cgb\")") ("csd"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"csd\")") ("csg"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"csg\")") ("css"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"css\")") ("csb"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"csb\")") ("cbd"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"cbd\")") ("cbg"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"cbg\")") ("cbs"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"cbs\")") ("cbb"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"cbb\")") ("vod"
    "OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"vgs\")-OP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\")
    \"vth\")")) modelParamExprList (("toxm" "MP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\")
    \"toxm\")") ("u0" "MP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"u0\")") ("ndep"
    "MP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"ndep\")") ("ngate"
    "MP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"ngate\")") ("nsd"
    "MP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"nsd\")") ("rsh"
    "MP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"rsh\")") ("rshg"
    "MP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"rshg\")") ("k1"
    "MP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"k1\")") ("k2"
    "MP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"k2\")") ("ua"
    "MP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"ua\")") ("ub"
    "MP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"ub\")") ("vsat"
    "MP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"vsat\")") ("alpha0"
    "MP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"alpha0\")") ("beta0"
    "MP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"beta0\")") ("ef"
    "MP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"ef\")") ("epsrox"
    "MP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"epsrox\")") ("vmax"
    "2*MP(mappedRoot(\".XMN.MAIN\") \"vsat\")"))))
    (nil instNameType "schematic" instDisplayMode "instName" netNameType
    "schematic" termSimType "DC" termDisplayMode "none" paramSimType "DC"
    paramEvaluate (nil nil nil nil t nil) paramDisplayMode "parameter"
    modelLabelSet "epsrox toxm u0 " opPointLabelSet "id vgs vds vth vdsat
    gm gds" paramLabelSet "w l nfingers array ")
    (nil buttonFieldWidth "340" fieldHeight "35" fieldWidth "350"
    promptWidth "175" formInitProc "" doneProc "")
    Reotaro Hashemoto, Apr 9, 2008
  2. Reotaro Hashemoto

    Riad KACED Guest

    Hi Ahmad,

    That's the best ever CDF file I've seen in my life :) Have never seen
    such a pretty before ;-)
    Well, it have a bit of shape of a CDF file, but As you can see in the
    Cadence documentation, a CDF files looks rather like :

    LIBRARY = "analogLib"
    CELL = "nbsim"
    let( ( libId cellId cdfId )
    unless( cellId = ddGetObj( LIBRARY CELL )
    error( "Could not get cell %s." CELL )
    when( cdfId = cdfGetBaseCellCDF( cellId )
    cdfDeleteCDF( cdfId )
    cdfId = cdfCreateBaseCellCDF( cellId )
    ;;; Parameters
    cdfCreateParam( cdfId
    ?name "model"
    ?prompt "Model name"
    ?defValue ""
    ?type "string"
    ?display "artParameterInToolDisplay('model)"
    ?parseAsCEL "yes"

    You can dump a CDF file from your CIW using a skill command like :
    cdfDump("libName" "outputFile" ?cellName "cellName")
    eg: cdfDump("analogLib" "edtmp" ?cellName "nfet")

    When loaded, the CDF properties are stored into your celleView prop.xx

    2. I would say yes, with a piece a perl ...

    Good luck !

    Riad KACED, Apr 9, 2008
  3. Reotaro Hashemoto

    S.Badel Guest

    hé hé :)

    No, but, seriously... I think that's what you get when you do save
    from the Edit CDF form.

    If I'm correct (didn't check), then you should load this file from the
    Edit CDF form (Tools->Edit->CDF from CIW, fill in lib/cell name,
    select CDF type (base or user), in the file field type the file name
    and click Load).

    After, you can cdfDump() as Riad suggests, to get pretty-printed code
    just like in the manual :)

    S.Badel, Apr 10, 2008
  4. S.Badel wrote, on 04/10/08 00:46:
    In fact in IC612 there is now a "CDF Dump" button on the Edit CDF form which
    allows you to dump out the Base CDF in SKILL syntax.

    The existing Save/Load are not terribly useful, as they're hardly human readable...

    Andrew Beckett, Apr 30, 2008
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