CAMWorks, anyone?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Rocco, Mar 4, 2006.

  1. Rocco

    Rocco Guest

    The place I work in is looking at Solid Edge, and I had a nice chat
    with the rep. He indicated to me that the next release of Solid Edge
    (current is v18) would partner with NX Cam, much in the same way that
    SolidWorks is with Cosmos. I've been saying this for a while, if
    SolidWorks were to join with Mastercam, they could be the killer app
    for job shops. But if Mastercam does not get on board, I'm sure
    SolidWorks can find another partner, because this looks like the next
    logical direction for CAD to go into. If SE and SW (and eventually
    Autodesk) start battling it out in the CAM arena, this will be good
    since even the better programs like Mastercam are cumbersome to draw
    and model with.

    Isn't it 2007 yet?
    Rocco, Mar 4, 2006
  2. Rocco

    Cliff Guest

    Crossposted to alt.machines.cnc.
    <No comment>
    Cliff, Mar 4, 2006
  3. Rocco

    tddodge Guest

    it would be nice to have feature-compatability with a proven CAM.
    solidCAM, while integrated well, apparently does not (yet?) have the
    "reliability" of mastercam.

    i think this is one area where the proE guys *may* have something to
    tddodge, Mar 4, 2006
  4. Rocco

    Cliff Guest
    Cliff, Mar 5, 2006
  5. Rocco

    jon_banquer Guest

    I've been waiting to see what PTC would do with Pro/E Wildfire 3.
    Wildfire 2 still had the old UI for CAM so I didn't bother evaluating
    it. PTC re-did their website in the last few days and announced Pro/E
    Wildfire 3. From reading the "Top 10 Reason To Upgrade To Pro/E
    Wildfire 3.0" .pdf I see that Pro/NC finally has the Wildfire UI:

    "Faster CAM. We've updated the manufacturing user interface so it's
    now more intuitive and consistent with the rest of Pro/ENGINEER. Also,
    a new, modern and familiar user interface for the tool manager makes it
    easier and faster to find the right tool for the job. These
    productivity enhancements will allow you to create manufacturing
    geometry up to 3 times faster."

    After so many years of having SaladWorks kick their butt on the ease of
    use factor it looks to me like PTC maybe ready to take back some of the
    market they lost. PTC has some very aggressive pricing for Pro/E
    Wildfire, and a great home package for a very reasonable price. I'm
    going to take a good look at Pro/E Wildfire 3 when I get a chance.

    Perhaps with Rhino V4 I will be able to stomach the inablity of Pro/E
    to properly work with imported non-native Geometry.

    Be very interesting to see how many disgusted SaladWorks users make the
    move to a more complete / robust solution.

    Jon Banquer
    Phoenix, Arizona
    jon_banquer, Mar 10, 2006
  6. Rocco

    Cliff Guest

    Skipped a blurb/ad, did you?
    The agony .....
    Cliff, Mar 10, 2006
  7. Rocco

    Cliff Guest

    IOW You just posted to shoot off your mouth about your intent
    to look at a Web Site someday.
    WARNING: It may contain big words or technical terms, such as
    "CAD", "CAD/CAM" or "CAM" .....

    Cliff, Mar 10, 2006
  8. Rocco

    Cliff Guest

    OrgName: XO Communications

    Whose computer & account are you "borrowing"?
    Cliff, Mar 10, 2006
  9. Rocco

    cadcon Guest

    There's a long standing joke at RMA.
    They call the Rhino ducky tutorial "Banquer's Bane".
    If he ever completes it he should post it somwhere.
    cadcon, Mar 10, 2006
  10. Rocco

    Cliff Guest

    Anyone recall when he used the tutorial from a demo as an
    example of his own original work? And rapidly got caught by
    the actual original "author"?
    Someone was asking about that series of posts ....
    Cliff, Mar 10, 2006
  11. Rocco

    nocadcamho Guest

    They call the Rhino ducky tutorial "Banquer's Bane".
    I don't know the disscussion but the item must be:

    "Have you ever posted examples your work like I did on the
    alt.machines.cnc chat server that Anthony runs ?".

    Wasn't that when he was raving about VX? Or between VX and Swiss Army Knives?
    It's hard to keep track of them all. AFAIK that's the only time he's ever
    posted anything except his unfounded opinions and that was, as everyone knows, a
    first rate screw up. First rule in the Usenet Bullshit Artist's Handbook:
    "Never allow yourself to be put in a position where you have to prove what you
    say is true.". UBA Guild is considering official censure.

    Usenet dummy: "Can you explain what Unified-Hybrid is?".
    Jon Banquer: "They're conjoined twins. One is my son and the other my

    --Add to your usenet FAQ.
    nocadcamho, Mar 10, 2006
  12. Rocco

    Cliff Guest

    One of these days someone will start a Google group (alt.banquerbabble,
    alt.clueless or alt.banquercadcam perhaps) and add banquer (probably as a verb)
    or banquerBS to Wickipedia ... if they have not already done so <G>.
    Cliff, Mar 11, 2006
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