Cam pocket on cylinder face

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jay, Oct 8, 2003.

  1. Jay

    Jay Guest

    I'm trying to figure out how to cut a elliptical shaped cam follower pocket
    onto a cylinder face. The cylinder will be rotating and the pocket in the
    side of the cylinder needs to drive a cam follower back and forth. The cam
    path only needs to be cut around the axis of the cylinder about 90 degrees.
    The sides of the pocket have to be parallel and perpendicular to the outside
    surface as if a end mill cut it while the cylinder rotated on it's axis.

    I project a sketch onto the surface and try and sweep a cut or loft a cut,
    but I can't get the sides to stay square and parallel even with multiple
    guide curves.


    Jay, Oct 8, 2003
  2. Take the sketch that you made and offset it so you have 2 paralell projected
    curves one representing the path the other will be a guide curve. Make a
    sweep using one guide curve.

    I just tried it and it worked well.

    Corey Scheich
    Corey Scheich, Oct 8, 2003
  3. Jay

    kellnerp Guest

    I just did this using sheet metal functionality. You extrude a cylider,
    flatten it, cut in the cam in the flatten and roll it back up.

    There may be some glitchiness as to the sides of the cam being perfectly
    normal to the outside of the cylinder.
    kellnerp, Oct 9, 2003
  4. Jay

    Jay Guest

    On the SW website they have a example of this. I don't believe the geometry
    is quite right on the side walls.

    They also have another example using a helix that looks nice, but not what I
    need to do.

    Still haven't got anything to work yet.

    Jay, Oct 9, 2003
  5. Jay

    neil Guest

    Jay I believe this type of issue was covered recently here under an o-ring
    if you like I could send you what I think is a geometrically correct example
    for the side walls I did at the time for my own interest that may help
    you -600k zipped-(SW2003). you will need to send me an address as I don't
    have any way to post this for the group.
    neil, Oct 9, 2003
  6. Jay and I had some corespondence today outside the Group I am posting it
    incase anyone is interested

    Thanks for trying this and giving me a explanation.

    I have attempted it a number of different ways as you describe and still

    can't get it to work the way I need.

    Any chance you could send me a part file of what you did for a look?

    This is bugging the heck out me.




    Here you go Let me know if it isn't what you were looking for

    <Cam Follow.sldprt"




    Thanks much for your time helping me with this! I don't have time now, but

    maybe tonight I can try your ideas.

    Thanks again.

    Corey Scheich, Oct 9, 2003
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