cam mate

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Seth Renigar, Jan 7, 2008.

  1. Seth Renigar

    Seth Renigar Guest

    I am having problems with mating. Please take a look at
    (make sure you click the "full size" button in the upper left)

    Basically, it is 2 cylindrical shafts telescoped together, with a
    dowel pin in one, and a pin slot for the pin to follow in the other.

    I can not get a cam mate to work at all. I have even tried creating a
    surface body to "complete" the pin slot, but that doesn't work either.

    I have tried alternate methods to mate this by trying to create a
    projected curve on either the centerline of the slot or the profile of
    the slot, and using surfaces, faces, sketch entities, etc. on the pin
    to mate with. But SW will not allow me to even select the curve, even
    though the help file says that you can do a curve to point coincident

    I have tried everything else that I know of, both conventional and not
    so conventional, but have had no luck.....

    Anyone want to take a stab at this one? I would greatly appreciate
    it.... Might even buy ya a drink in San Diego in a few weeks if you
    are there.... :)

    Seth Renigar, Jan 7, 2008
  2. I can't get to your jpg, but as a thought, can you set an axis of the pin to
    a distance mate from either end of the slot? Maybe have to add planes, etc,
    but possibility?

    Wayne Tiffany, Jan 7, 2008
  3. Seth Renigar

    Seth Renigar Guest


    Nice thought considering you can't see the picture. But the slot is
    not a simple straight slot. Imagine a straight slot along the axis
    direction, with a 90° turn at each end to "lock" the inside cylinder
    from moving along the axis, on both ends.

    One of the tricky things is that one of the ends that has the 90° turn
    is "open" on the far side. It's kinda hard to explain. That's why I
    posted the picture. But, I thought I would compensate for this
    problem by adding a closed surface body to complete the slot loop.
    But that didn't work either.

    By the way, why couldn't you see the picture? Bad link? Firewall?
    Etc.? I am asking to see if I posted the link correctly. If I did it
    wrong, then nobody would be able to see it. That wouldn't be very
    worthwhile... I would need to repost the picture link somehow.

    Seth Renigar, Jan 7, 2008
  4. Seth Renigar

    Reaper2561 Guest

    By the way, why couldn't you see the picture?  Bad link? Firewall?

    I was able to see it when I clicked on the link. My computer opened it
    in IE. Sorry, but I don't have time to mess with it right now. Work
    has me covered up, but that's a good thing.

    Reaper2561, Jan 7, 2008
  5. I love stumping the noncertifiedsolidworksguru.
    Andersons, 4810 Diane Ct., Jan 7, 2008
  6. I couldn't see the pic because of our SonicWALL filter here. It has that
    site tagged as pornography. Maybe your mating then is related??

    You could send me the pic directly.

    Wayne Tiffany, Jan 7, 2008
  7. Seth Renigar

    Seth Renigar Guest

    That was a good one... :)
    You should have the pic in your personal email.

    Seth Renigar, Jan 7, 2008
  8. Seth Renigar

    Dale Dunn Guest

    I've done this type of mate before. Cam Mate can't do it because it
    requires the cam faces to be straight in one direction, as if they were

    You're on the right track with an offset surface but it gets complicated
    fast. The basic problem is that you can't mate coincident to to more than
    one face. So, what you need to do is approximate the cam path with a
    single fitted spline. Since that only works in a 2D sketch, you then need
    to use a wrap or a sheet metal bend on a temporary body to create a
    surface from the fitted spline. This surface should have only one face.
    Then you can mate the point from the pin hole to this new surface.

    Sometimes, the surface gets wavy, or gets broken into multiple faces. Try
    fiddling with the fit tolerance on the spline.

    Even with this working, dragging the outer tube may be flaky. Sometimes
    moving the part with a Spaceball works better than dragging with the
    mouse, sometimes not. Some days it work as smoothly as you would hope.
    You also get a built in limit mate, since the fitted-spline surface is a
    procedural surface: the mated point won't go past the end of the surface.

    You mention mating to the curve, which I've never tried. That should
    work, but you may get overdefined mate problems with the concentricity of
    the cylinders. I seem to remember reading somewhere thet curves can only
    be selected from the FMT. I don'tknow why they won't let you select them
    in the graphics area. Maybe this information is out of date. I just tried
    a couple curve entities in 07 SP5.0, and I was able to select them. I
    should try the curve method someday.

    I hope that at least gets you to a viable idea.
    Dale Dunn, Jan 7, 2008
  9. Seth Renigar

    Seth Renigar Guest


    I knew that was a cam mate rule. So, I tried creating a surface body
    that "closed" the end that is open, and use this surface body to mate
    to. Couldn't get that one to work either.

    Seth Renigar, Jan 7, 2008

  10. How about a surface on the centerline of the slot (or the closed up slot on
    the end) to an axis on the pin? If it works I'll take a beer in SD.

    Jerry Steiger
    Jerry Steiger, Jan 7, 2008
  11. Seth Renigar

    Seth Renigar Guest

    This sounds like there may be a solution buried in there
    somewhere ;-)... Thanks. I'll play with these ideas.

    As for selecting a curve, I could ONLY select the curve graphics
    area. And only then, could only select part of the curve (which I
    didn't even think was possible)....

    Seth Renigar, Jan 7, 2008
  12. Seth Renigar

    Dale Dunn Guest

    This sounds like there may be a solution buried in there
    I think I have something I could send as an example, if you need it.
    Dale Dunn, Jan 7, 2008
  13. Seth Renigar

    Seth Renigar Guest

    Yes please! This is just about to drive me crazy.... I'm about ready
    to cave and send it to my VAR.... The only reason I haven't so far
    is, I want to finish this today, not a week from now....

    Please send to
    get rid of the NOSPAM of course.

    Seth Renigar, Jan 7, 2008
  14. Seth Renigar

    Seth Renigar Guest

    Tried that. I have not been able to get that to work either... But I
    guess I could buy you a beer for the attempt anyway.... ;-)

    Seth Renigar, Jan 7, 2008
  15. Seth Renigar

    Dale Dunn Guest

    I hope SW07 files are OK. On their way...
    Dale Dunn, Jan 7, 2008
  16. Seth Renigar

    Engineer Guest

    Just for a try, convert the faces of the slot to one single surface.
    Then sketch a point on the surface of the dowel and give a coincident
    mate to the surface and point.

    Engineer, Jan 8, 2008
  17. Seth Renigar

    Seth Renigar Guest

    I tried that early on. The problem there is that you can convert the
    slot faces to one surface body as you mention, but it will still
    contain multiple faces. You can only mate a point coincident with one

    I did end up doing something very similar as well.... I found a way
    to get the mate to "track" correctly. I simply extruded a fitspline
    surface (one face) along the centerline of the slot, created a sketch
    point on the dowel axis in a position that it contacts the surface in
    the slot.

    It moves really well. The only problem now it that it doesn't "stop"
    at the ends of the slot. I tried using an angle limit mate to confine
    the rotation to stop at a desired angle. But as you might expect,
    every variation that I tried either over-defined it, or caused it to
    "jump" past where it should for some reason....

    I think I will give up now.... :)
    Seth Renigar, Jan 8, 2008
  18. "I did end up doing something very similar as well.... I found a way
    to get the mate to "track" correctly. I simply extruded a fitspline
    surface (one face) along the centerline of the slot, created a sketch
    point on the dowel axis in a position that it contacts the surface in
    the slot.

    "It moves really well. The only problem now it that it doesn't "stop"
    at the ends of the slot."

    This seems strange. Since the path is a spline, how does it extend it?
    Somehow it "knows" that the ends are really straight lines? Try putting a
    fairly sharp kink at the ends of your spline. That might stop SW from
    extending the spline. If it doesn't, at least you get a signal that you've
    reached the end of the "real" slot.

    Jerry Steiger
    Jerry Steiger, Jan 8, 2008
  19. Seth Renigar

    zxys Guest

    zxys, Jan 8, 2008
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