Caltrans Signs

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Todd, Jun 26, 2004.

  1. Todd

    Todd Guest

    Does anybody know where i can find Symbols for Carltrans Signs.

    Todd, Jun 26, 2004
  2. Todd

    Dave Byrnes Guest

    I have to ask... have you tried Google? (caltrans +autocad)?
    Dave Byrnes, Jun 27, 2004
  3. Todd

    TomDe Guest

  4. Todd

    wfb Guest

    wfb, Jun 28, 2004
  5. Todd

    Dick Alvarez Guest

    What signs do you want?

    Dick Alvarez
    Dick Alvarez, Jun 29, 2004
  6. Todd

    TomDe Guest

    Thought there was, didn't look.
    TomDe, Jun 29, 2004
  7. Todd

    Dick Alvarez Guest

    I have an AtuoCAD file of highway number-signs for Interstate, US,
    and California, highways. The Interstate and US sign plate
    dimensions are taken from the US DOT "Manual On Uniform Traffic
    Control Devices For Streets And Highways". I estimated the
    California sign plate dimensions. All 3 types of sign plates are
    made in narrow and wide shapes, for 2-digit and 3-digit highway
    numbers, respectively. You also may want sign plates for county
    roads, Forest Service roads, various park service roads, etc.; I have
    not drawn those. With my file, you can call up any of the 6 shapes
    that I have drawn.

    I also have a file of a stop-sign drawing.

    The manual also shows many other types of highway signs, traffic
    signals, and road markings, including dimensions and various
    standards for many of them.

    My manual was published in the year 1971, and I have heard that it
    has been replaced with some other publication.

    If you need CAD-drawn diagrams, then my files, and the manual or
    what-ever replaced it, should be useful. I can send the CAD files by
    e-mail, uuencoded and zipped.

    Dick Alvarez
    alvarez at alumni dot caltech dot edu
    Dick Alvarez, Jul 10, 2004
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