Calling a function inside a Viewfile Window ?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by mohanr, Mar 29, 2006.

  1. mohanr

    mohanr Guest


    How can i create a link in the Viewfile Window when clicked will call a
    function . Basically i am trying to create a viewfile window when
    clicked on a particular text called a function.

    This is similar to the Assura LVS error report in VIewfile Window
    when clicked highlights the device/net in the layout/schematic ?

    Please let me know if you need any clarifications .

    Mohan R
    mohanr, Mar 29, 2006
  2. You can certainly get the selection, using hiGetTextSelection(); you could
    add a bindkey for this window so that when you double-click, it gets the
    selection and does the cross-probe...

    See the <instdir>/doc/skuiref/skuiref.pdf document, particularly the chapter
    on View Files.

    Andrew Beckett, Mar 31, 2006
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