Call for Papers - IEEE ISQED07

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by ISQED, Aug 16, 2006.

  1. ISQED

    ISQED Guest


    ISQED 2007

    8th International Symposium & Exhibits on


    March 26-28, 2007. San Jose, CA, USA

    Leading Design for Quality & ManufacturabilityT

    Paper Submission Deadline: September 30, 2006
    Acceptance Notifications: November 23, 2006
    Final Camera-Ready paper: January 3, 2007


    ISQED is the pioneer and leading international conference dealing with the
    design for manufacturability and quality issues front-to-back. ISQED spans
    three days, Monday through Wednesday, in three parallel tracks, hosting near
    100 technical presentations, six keynote speakers, two-three panel
    discussions, workshops /tutorials and other informal meetings. Conference
    proceedings are published by IEEE and hosted in the digital library.
    Proceedings CD ROMs are published by ACM. In addition, continuing the
    tradition of reaching a wider readership in the IC design community, ISQED
    will continue to publish special issues in leading journals. The authors of
    high quality papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their
    papers for the special journal issues.

    Papers are requested in the following areas:

    A pioneer and leading multidisciplinary conference, ISQED accepts and
    promotes papers related to the manufacturing, VLSI design and EDA. Authors
    are invited to submit papers in the various disciplines of high level
    design, circuit design, test & verification, design automation tools;
    processes; flows, device modeling, semiconductor technology, and advance

    1. Manufacturing, Semiconductor Process and Devices
    1.1 Design for Manufacturability/Yield & Quality (DFM/DFY/DFQ)
    1.2 Effects of Technology on IC Design, Performance, Reliability,
    and Yield (TRD)

    2. Design
    2.1 System-level Design, Methodologies & Tools (SDM)
    2.2 Package - Design Interactions & Co-Design (PDI)
    2.3 Robust & Power-conscious Devices, Interconnects, and Circuits

    2.4 Emerging/Innovative Process & Device Technologies and Design
    Issues (EDT)

    2.5 Design of Reliable Circuits and Systems (DFR)

    3. EDA/CAD
    3.1 EDA Methodologies, Tools, Flows & IP Cores; Interoperability
    and Reuse (EDA)
    3.2 Design Verification and Design for Testability (DVFT)
    3.3 Physical Design, Methodologies & Tools (PDM)

    The details of various topics of paper submission is as follows:

    Design for Manufacturability/Yield & Quality (DFM/DFY/DFQ)

    DFM/DFY/DFQ definitions, methodologies, matrices, and standards.
    Quality-based design methodologies and flows for custom, semi-custom, ASIC,
    FPGA, RF, memory, networking circuit, etc. Design flows and methodologies
    for SoC, and SiP. Analysis, modeling, and abstraction of manufacturing
    process parameters and effects for highly predictable silicon performance.
    Design and synthesis of ICs considering factors such as: signal integrity,
    transmission line effects, OPC, phase shifting, and sub-wavelength
    lithography, manufacturing yield and technology capability. Design for
    diagnosability, defect detection and tolerance; self-diagnosis,
    calibration and repair. Design and manufacturabilty issues for Digital,
    analog, mixed signal, RF, MEMS, opto-electronic, biochemical-electronic, and
    nanotechnology based ICs. Redundency and other yield improving techniques.
    Global, social, and economic implications of design quality.

    Physical Design, Methodologies & Tools (PDM)

    Physical design for manufacturing; Physical synthesis flows for
    correct-by-construction quality silicon, implementation of large SoC
    designs. Tool frameworks and data-models for tightly integrated incremental
    synthesis, placement, routing, timing analysis and verification. Placement,
    optimization, and routing techniques for noise sensitivity reduction and
    fixing. Algorithms and flows for harnessing crosstalk-delay during physical
    synthesis. Tool flows and techniques for antenna rule and electromigration
    rule avoidance and fixing. Spare-cell strategies for ECO, decoupling
    capacitance and antenna rule fixing. Physical planning tools for
    predictable power-aware circuits. Reliable clock tree generation and clock
    distribution methodologies for Gigahertz designs. EDA tools, design
    techniques, and methodologies, dealing with issues such as: timing closure,
    R, L, C extraction, ground/Vdd bounce, signal noise/cross-talk /substrate
    noise, voltage drop, power rail integrity, electromigration, hot carriers,
    EOS/ESD, plasma induced damage and other yield limiting effects, high
    frequency effects, thermal effects, power estimation, EMI/EMC, proximity
    correction & phase shift methods, verification (layout, circuit, function,

    Design Verification and Design for Testability (DVFT)

    Hardware and Software, Formal and simulation based design verification
    techniques to ensure the functional correctness of hardware early in the
    design cycle. DFT and BIST for digital and SoC. DFT for analog/mixed-signal
    ICs and systems-on-chip, DFT/BIST for memories. Test synthesis and
    synthesis for testability. DFT economics, DFT case studies. DFT and ATE.
    Fault diagnosis, IDDQ test, novel test methods, effectiveness of test
    methods, fault models and ATPG, and DPPM prediction. SoC/IP testing
    strategies. Design methodologies dealing with the link between testability
    and manufacturing.

    EDA Methodologies, Tools, Flows & IP Cores; Interoperability and Reuse

    EDA tools addressing design for manufacturing, yield, and reliability.
    Management of design process, design flows and design databases. EDA tools
    interoperability issues and implications. Effect of emerging technologies,
    processes & devices on design flows, tools, and tool interoperability.
    Emerging EDA standards. EDA design methodologies and tools that address
    issues which impact the quality of the realization of designs into physical
    integrated circuits. IP modeling and abstraction. Design and maintenance of
    technology independent hard and soft IP blocks. Methods and tools for
    analysis, comparison and qualification of libraries and hard IP blocks.
    Challenges and solutions of the integration, testing, qualifying, and
    manufacturing of IP blocks from multiple vendors. Third party testing of IP
    blocks. Risk management of IP reuse. IP authoring tools and methodologies.

    Robust & Power-conscious Devices, Interconnects, and Circuits (RDIC)

    Device, substrate, interconnect, circuit , and IP block modeling and
    simulation techniques; CMOS, Bipolar, and SiGe HBTs device modeling in the
    context of advanced digital, RF and high-speed circuits. Modeling and
    simulation of novel device and interconnect concepts. Signal integrity
    analysis: coupling, inductive and charge sharing noise; noise avoidance
    techniques. Modeling statistical process variations to improve design margin
    and robustness, use of statistical circuit simulators. Power grid design,
    analysis and optimization; timing analysis and optimization; thermal
    analysis and design techniques for thermal management. Power-conscious
    design methodologies and tools; low power devices, circuits and systems;
    power-aware computing and communication; system-level power optimization
    and management. Design techniques for leakage current management. Design of
    robust 3D Integrated Circuits. Successful applications of TCAD to circuit
    design. Impacts of process technologies on circuit design and capabilities
    (e.g. low-Vt transistors versus increased off-state leakages) and the
    accuracy, use and implementation of SPICE models that faithfully reflect
    process technologies.

    Emerging/Innovative Process & Device Technologies and Design Issues (EDT)

    Emerging processes & device technologies and implications on IC design with
    respect to design's time to market, yield, reliability, and quality.
    Emerging issues in DSM CMOS: e.g. sub-threshold leakage, gate leakage,
    technology road mapping and technology extrapolation techniques. New and
    novel technologies such as SOI, Double-Gate (DG)-MOSFET, Gate-All-Around
    (GAA)-MOSFET, Vertical-MOSFET, strained CMOS, high-bandwidth metallization,
    3D integrated circuits, nanodevices, etc.

    Package - Design Interactions & Co-Design (PDI)

    Concurrent circuit, package, and PCB/PWB design and effect on quality. EDA
    tools and methodologies dealing with the IC Packaging electrical and thermal
    modeling and simulation for improved quality of product. SoC versus system
    in a package (SiP): design and technology solutions and tradeoffs; MCM,
    BGA, Flip Chip, and other innovative packaging techniques for various
    applications such as mixed-signal and RFIC.

    Design of Reliable Circuits and Systems (DFR)

    Device and process reliability issues and effect on design of reliable
    circuits and systems. ESD design for digital, mixed signal and RF
    applications. Exploration of critical factors such as noise, substrate
    coupling, cross-talk and power supply noise. Significance and trends in
    process reliability effects such as gate oxide integrity, electromigration,
    ESD, etc., and their relation to electronic design.

    System-level Design, Methodologies & Tools (SDM)

    Emerging system-level design paradigms, methods and tools aiming at quality.
    System-level design process and flow management. System-level design
    modeling, analysis and synthesis, estimation and verification for correct
    high-quality hardware/software systems. Responsive, secure, and defect
    tolerant systems. New concepts, methods and tools addressing system-level
    design complexity and multitude of aspects. Methods and tools addressing the
    usage of technology information and manufacturing feedback in the system-,
    RTL- and logic level design. The influence of the nanometer technologies'
    (application-dependent) yield and other issues on the system-, RTL- and
    logic-level design. System-level trade-off analysis and multi-objective
    (yield, power, delay, area .) optimization. Effective and efficient design,
    implementation, analysis and validation of large SoCs integrating IP blocks
    from multiple vendors. Global, Social, and Economical Implications of
    Electronic System and Design Quality. Emerging standards and regulations
    influencing system quality.

    Submission of Papers
    Paper submission must be done on-line via the conference web site at Authors should submit FULL-LENGTH, original, unpublished
    papers (Minimum 4, maximum 6 pages) along with an abstract of about 200
    words. Please check the as-printed appearance of your paper before
    uploading. To permit a blind review, do not include name(s) or
    affiliation(s) of the author(s) on the manuscript and abstract. The
    complete contact author information needs to be entered separately. When
    ready to submit your paper have the following information ready:

    I Title of the paper
    II Name, affiliation, complete mailing address and phone, fax, and
    email of the first author
    III Name, affiliations, city, state, country of additional authors
    IV Person to whom correspondence should be sent, if other than the 1st
    V Suggested area (as listed above)

    The guidelines for the final paper format are provided on the conference web
    site at Authors of the submitted papers must register and
    attend the conference for their paper to be published.

    Please note the following important dates:

    Paper Submission Deadline: September 30, 2006
    Acceptance Notifications: November 23, 2006
    Final Camera-Ready paper: January 3, 2007

    About ISQED
    The International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), is a
    premier Design & Design Automation conference, aimed at bridging the gap
    between and integration of, electronic design tools and processes,
    integrated circuit technologies, processes & manufacturing, to achieve
    design quality. ISQED is the pioneer and leading conference dealing with
    design for manufacturability and quality issues front-to-back. The
    conference provides a forum to present and exchange ideas and to promote the
    research, development, and application of design techniques & methods,
    design processes, and EDA design methodologies and tools that address issues
    which impact the quality of the realization of designs into physical
    integrated circuits. The conference attendees are primarily designers of the
    VLSI circuits & systems (IP & SoC), those involved in the research,
    development, and application of EDA/CAD Tools & design flows, process/device
    technologists, and semiconductor manufacturing specialists including
    equipment vendors. ISQED emphasizes a holistic approach toward design
    quality and intends to highlight and accelerate cooperation among the IC
    Design, EDA, Semiconductor Process Technology and Manufacturing communities.
    ISQED, Aug 16, 2006
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