Call for Papers: ASYNC-2005 (New York City)

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Montek Singh, Jul 29, 2004.

  1. Montek Singh

    Montek Singh Guest

    [Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement.]


    The Eleventh IEEE* International Symposium
    on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems

    March 14-16, 2005, New York City, NY, USA
    Venue: Columbia University

    The International Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems
    provides a high quality forum for scientists and engineers to present
    their latest research findings. Authors are invited to submit full
    papers on all aspects of asynchronous design. Topics of interest
    include, but are not limited to:

    * Mixed synchronous/asynchronous architectures, interfaces, and circuits
    * High-speed/low-power asynchronous logic, memories, and interconnects
    * High-level design and synthesis of self-timed circuits
    * Physical design of unclocked logic and pipelines
    * Formal methods for correctness and performance analysis of
    asynchronous designs
    * Test, reliability, security, and radiation tolerance
    * CAD for asynchronous design and validation
    * Asynchronous System-on-a-chip (SoC)
    * Novel asynchronous architectures
    * Asynchrony and latency tolerance in system-level design

    Papers should be submitted via the conference web site. The submission
    should not exceed ten pages in IEEE double column format. Papers that
    exceed the length limit may not be reviewed. Papers will be evaluated
    by the program committee and reviews will be based on scientific merit,
    innovation, relevance, and presentation. New-idea papers are
    encouraged, and the program committee recognizes that such papers may
    contain less evaluation than papers in established areas. Accepted
    papers will be published in a proceedings that will be distributed at
    the conference.



    Submission deadline: 27 Sep 2004
    Notification of acceptance: 29 Nov 2004
    Final version due: 03 Jan 2005
    Paper Format: Abstract of up to 150 words,
    10 pages or fewer, including figures,
    Single spaced, 10pt or larger font size,
    IEEE double column conference format.


    General Co-Chairs: Steven Nowick (nowick AT
    Jose Tierno (tierno AT
    Program Co-Chairs: Prabhakar Kudva (kudva AT
    Rajit Manohar (rajit AT

    Publications: Erik Brunvand
    Invited Speakers/Tutorials: Prabhakar Kudva
    Best Paper Award: H. Peter Hofstee
    Local Arrangements/Publicity: Montek Singh
    Industrial Liason: Ken Stevens
    Finance Chair: Jose Tierno


    John Bainbridge (UK) Mike Kishinevsky (USA)
    Peter Beerel (USA) Alex Kondratyev (USA)
    Erik Brunvand (USA) Luciano Lavagno (Italy)
    Supratik Chakraborty (India) Michael Liebelt (Australia)
    Bill Coates (USA) Andrew Lines (USA)
    Peter Cook (USA) Diana Marculescu (USA)
    Jordi Cortadella (Spain) Alain Martin (USA)
    Al Davis (USA) Takashi Nanya (Japan)
    Charles Dike (USA) Radu Negulescu (Canada)
    Jo Ebergen (USA) Ad Peeters (Netherlands)
    Doug Edwards (UK) Marc Renaudin (France)
    Karl Fant (USA) Marly Roncken (USA)
    Ran Ginosar (Israel) Montek Singh (USA)
    Eckard Grass (Germany) Christos Sotiriou (Greece)
    Mark Greenstreet (Canada) Jens Sparso (Denmark)
    Christoph Heer (Germany) Alexander Taubin (USA)
    Hans Jacobson (USA) Stephen Unger (USA)
    Mark Josephs (UK) Alex Yakovlev (UK)
    Joep Kessels (Netherlands) Tomohiro Yoneda (Japan)
    David Kinniment (UK)

    *IEEE sponsorship pending
    Montek Singh, Jul 29, 2004
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