Calibre LVS errors

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Verictor, Dec 9, 2006.

  1. Verictor

    Verictor Guest

    Hi the Group,

    As not an expert at all on LVS, I am having a whole bunch LVS errors
    that seem very strange for me. The problem is:

    We know this cell isn't LVS clean before hand. But we try to make the
    final circuit LVS errors the same they are as an individual cell. Here
    is what I have done:

    1. Do Calibre LVS on the cell itself. I get property errors. Not
    2. Connect a simple circuit, e.g., an inverter to an output pin. Build
    another layout from this schematic. Do LVS on this layout. The inverter
    is LVS/DRC clean.
    3. Now the errors increase in addition to the property errors in the
    last step. From one of my co-worker's suggestion to understand what is
    going on, I zoom into one error saying missing net in the problem cell
    in Layout view. The net is there on the layout! I have no idea where it
    is from.
    4. Other LVS errors are hard to trace down too.

    By the way, what are softcheck errors and stack errors in Calibre LVS
    option setup?

    I know this is not in detail at all. But any hint is highly

    Verictor, Dec 9, 2006
  2. Verictor

    vlsidesign Guest

    Here is some insight as I understand it:

    Soft-connection errors check for "soft" connections. A soft-connection
    is generally when two nets connect through the substrate (substrate is
    basically everywhere that NWELL isn't that your NMOS device sits in.
    Many times people have a 'soft-connection' between two different ground
    supplies. So let say you have a nmos device with it's tiedown (guard
    tie) that is tied to DVSS. This guard tie, ties the substrate, the
    silicon, which your NMOS device sits in to the potential DVSS. Now if
    you place another NMOS and tie it and it's guards to AVSS, you have a
    'soft-connection' to each other that is connected through the
    substrate. Usually, to fix this the devices are put in Deep nwell or
    are double guard ringed with an NWELL guard tie and then another ring
    of PSUB tie. This breaks up the substrate into pieces, although DNW
    gives a more true isolation as compared to just NWELL ring.
    vlsidesign, Dec 13, 2006
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