calibre Error: Exit Code: 4 ,.SUBCKT" statement, cap cell

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by dinac, Oct 29, 2008.

  1. dinac

    dinac Guest

    Hi all,

    I would like to thank this forum and you all for helping me out at
    various stages of my design .
    I am in between my layout/lvs

    I am using a capacitor cell 'crtmom'(model name: crtmom)

    when doing the LVS, i get a
    Error: No matching ".SUBCKT" statement for "CRTMOM" at line 31 in
    file /../../netlist

    ERROR: Source could not be read.
    *** Calibre finished with Exit Code: 4 ***

    Please help

    dinac, Oct 29, 2008
  2. dinac

    gmc_99 Guest


    you are missing a dummy spice declaration for the mom. Have a look in
    your lvs directory (Calibre/lvs) and you should find a source.added
    file. Include this with you netlist file and you should be OK. If you
    are using the GUI select Input/Netlist Tab click on the up arro next
    to the <cell> file and add the file in to the Files: box.

    gmc_99, Oct 29, 2008
  3. dinac

    Riad KACED Guest

    Hi Din,

    I do agree with G, I think you are missing the empty subcircuit for
    that capacitor.
    The dummy subcicuit could look like:

    ..SUBCKT crtmom_rf PLUS MINUS BULK

    If your PDK provides that 'source.added' file (or any other name) with
    all the dummy subcircuit defined in it, then you have got to include
    as G advised. This hand-made include is fair enough if you are working
    on your own doing couple of Calibre runs a day. If you want a more
    integrated solution into your CAD flow, then it is easy to make it.
    Just update the cdlOutKeys variable by filling the 'incFile propeorty.
    Some like:

    cdlOutKeys = list(nil
    'runInBackground nil
    'cdsNetlistingMode "Analog"
    'simLibName ""
    'simCellName ""
    'simViewName "schematic"
    'hnlNetlistFileName "netlist"
    'simRunDir "."
    'shortRES 2000.000000
    'resistorModel ""
    'setEQUIV ""
    'globalPowerSig ""
    'globalGndSig ""
    'resistorCheck "value"
    'capacitorCheck "value"
    'pinMAP nil
    'shrinkFACTOR 0.000000
    'diodeCheck '"both"
    'checkScale "meter"
    'displayPININFO t
    'checkLDD nil

    You can do this once in your PDK || HOME || USER init file and you are
    happy for the rest of your life :)

    Riad KACED, Oct 29, 2008
  4. dinac

    dinac Guest

    Hi G, Riad,

    Thanks a lot for your help.

    I have one more question, when i do pex(GUI), the instances are droped
    to the calibre view, but the instance property values have been
    changed, like model name:pch/nch, w,l, cap value...
    Is there way i could automate it , instead of changing it manualy each
    instances, like peeping into a file and change the insatances

    Thanks once again
    dinac, Oct 30, 2008
  5. dinac

    Riad KACED Guest


    Sounds like your Calibre properties are not the same as your cadence
    properties, which is a bit of a shame really :-(
    If this is the case, then you have to update you Calibre mapping file.
    You can edit this file from the Virtuoso Layout Editor -> Calibre ->
    Setup -> Calibre View -> cellMap file.
    The calibre Map File could be automated with setting up the following
    in your cdsinit :

    There is an explanation in the MGC doc on how to work with the RCX
    Calibre Map File for Virtusoso.

    Hope This helps,
    Riad KACED, Oct 30, 2008
  6. dinac

    gmc_99 Guest


    another option for the source.added file is if you are using run
    files and have "use templates" selected in the options is to add this
    to the run file

    *lvsTemplate_SP: ../Calibre/lvs/source.added

    cheers G
    gmc_99, Oct 31, 2008
  7. dinac

    Riad KACED Guest

    Hi G,

    Using the calibre templates would work very fine when are invoking the
    LVs from the Calibre GUI. This is fair enough for the regular daily
    runs. Using this method won't work in these couple of cases though:
    1. Export the CDL netlist from the standard Cadence's menu : CIW-
    2. When you run Calibre LVS in batch (by scripting) without explicitly
    loading any templates. This is very common in the digital world LVS
    verification where everything is run from scripts.

    Setting the include file using the cdlOutKeys global variable would
    make it happen for all the tools and the flows.

    Riad KACED, Nov 2, 2008
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