Calcomp 5536 and ADT 2005

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Donovan Cox, Nov 9, 2004.

  1. Donovan Cox

    Donovan Cox Guest

    I was trying to configure ADT to plot to a calcomp 5536 tech jet 720. I
    could plot if I used the windows system printer, but the output would
    scramble some. I'd use the built in calcomp drivers, but when I try to send
    a plot using those, AutoCAD tries to save a .plt file. The calcomp is on a
    network server running windows 2k and the pc with ADT is running win 2k. I'd
    try updating the windows drivers, but calcomp is dead and there don't seem
    to be any drivers for anything newer then windows 98 and AutoCAD 14.
    Donovan Cox, Nov 9, 2004
  2. The old Lorand web site for plotters used to get hit by funny persons so often, that they shut it down. Months before it was shut down the below was posted. Perhaps it will help you.

    I am using a DrawingMaster 800 and there does not seem to be a problem.


    Windows 2000/XP Driver for CalComp Raster Plotters

    CalComp did not develop a driver specifically for Windows 2000/XP, but the Windows NT 4.0 Raster driver will function in Windows 2000/XP. In addition to the appropriate files for the specific plotter (95NT40_1, 95NT40_2, and for color models 95NT40_3) three additional files are needed. These are on the Windows NT 4 Installations CD (Workstation and server) in the "i386" folder. The files needed are:


    Since these are part of Windows NT and Microsoft does not permit Calgraph to distribute them, they cannot be included with the CalComp driver files. If the CalComp driver is already installed on a Windows NT computer, these files can be located through the Find File function from the Start Menu and copied for use on a new install.

    During the driver install after Disk 1 it will request the PSCRIPT files from the Windows CD. You will need to Browse to the directory where you have placed the 3 PSCRIPT files so the driver install can find them.

    In addition the PrintProcessor for the driver needs to be installed and selected:
    Double click on the PPInst.exe file in the Disk1 Folder
    Select the Print Processor to install, Ccprint.dll.
    You may need to go to Windows Explorer View Menu Options Item
    View tab and select Show all files for ccprint.dll to be displayed.

    Go the Start Menu, Settings... Printers.
    Select the Printer icon. Right click and pick Properties from the popup menu
    On the Advanced Tab click on the Print Processor button
    In the Print Processor Windows select/highlight the CCPRINT.DLL print processor.
    On the General tab, click on the "Print Test Page" button.
    coosbaylumberco, Nov 10, 2004
  3. Hi Donovan

    This is an ADT/Autocad 2005 HDI driver problem. I've gone over this problem with many people and also Autodesk. I've also sent my
    findings to different owners of Calcomp products who have emailed me to get awnsers wich I found. I'm pasting a full thread of
    messages below with temporary solutions to your problem and also with Autodesk admitting that there is a problem and that they don't
    have a solution at the present time.

    I hope this helps you and if possible email me personally with any new findings or solutions.


    Normand Evers
    Network & CAD systems manager
    Moureaux Hauspy Design Inc
    Montreal, Canada


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Normand Evers
    To: Jim Shipley
    Sent: Friday, October 01, 2004 11:44 AM
    Subject: Re: Calcomp techjet 5336 driver on Autocad 2005

    Hi Jim

    I'm sorry to hear that you're having the same problem.
    Did I ever figure this out?? yes and no
    Yes, I found some bypasses/workarounds to the problem.
    No, the actual problem is not fixed. The Calcomp HDI driver refuses to do network print jobs.
    Basically the driver will not plot to Novell queues, Windows Domain server queues or Windows workgroup shared printers. It will
    print directly to your LPT1 port just not a shared port.
    Even AutoDesk has admitted to the problem and replied that they would try and fix it with a patch or in the next major release.

    I'm a AutoDesk Subscription member and all thru June I was in communication with the AutoDesk support.
    You can read my full case notes from AutoDesk Subscription Team which I have pasted below.

    Now, there are 2 workarounds.
    You can use Autospool (see case notes below for info or AutoCAD help) or you can create a BAT file to plot your drawings.
    I decided to go with a BAT file because I'm an old DOS user and I used to plot my drawings this way.

    Here's what I did

    1- Mapped my LPT3 to Novell queue in a DOS (command) window (this could also be a Windows queue)

    NET USE LPT3: \\novellserver\queue-name /persistent:yes

    2- Reinstalled my Calcomp to plot to file (not to port)
    3- Mapped all plot files to a new C:\PLOT subdirectory (so now all my plots are plotted to a PLT file in the C:\PLOT subdirectory
    and not directly to the printer)
    4- Created a PLOT.BAT file in C:\PLOT with Notepad to send my plots to the plotter .

    echo off
    del *.PLT

    You don't need to write the last line <del *.PLT> if you don't want to delete the PLT file

    4- Created a shortcut button on the Quicklaunch toolbar for PLOT.BAT

    And voilĂ ! It worked like a charm. Now every time I want to print a file on my Calcomp I send all my PLT files to C:\PLOT and then
    hit my Shortcut button in Quicklaunch.

    Now if your stuck to install this on many PC's like I had to, create a new BAT file called INSTALLCALCOMP.BAT that will do all the
    mapping, creating and copying for you.

    I hope this helps, good luck


    Normand Evers
    Network & CAD systems manager
    Moureaux Hauspy Design Inc
    Montreal, Canada

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Autodesk Support (Do Not Reply)
    To: Normand Evers
    Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2004 1:34 PM
    Subject: Case Number 1020947 [Calcomp HDI driver not functionning properly/at all]

    Case History
    *** NOTES THROUGH WEB 09/JUN/2004 12:02:02 By Normand Evers

    -created a port to \\server name\plotter name

    AutoCAD -Plottermanager - Add-a-plotter
    - My Computer
    - Calcomp-5636 Techjet Color 720c
    - Plot to port \\server name\plotter name

    -Plot - Printer name "5636 Techjet Color 720c"
    - Typical Page setup
    - Plot

    ???? -Pop-up window - Browse for plot file
    ???? -Job: - Error(s) Did Not Plot

    Job: - Error(s) Did Not Plot

    Job ID: 1
    Sheet set name:
    Date and time started: 09/06/2004 2:46:08 PM
    Date and time completed: 09/06/2004 2:47:14 PM
    UserID: Administrator
    Profile ID: Architectural Desktop - Imperial
    Total sheets: 1
    Sheets plotted: 0
    Number of errors: 1
    Number of warnings: 0

    Sheet: - Error(s) Did Not Plot

    File: C:\Documents and Settings\administrator\My Documents\Personnel\dwg
    Category name:
    Page setup:
    Device name: 5636 TechJet Color 720c.pc3 - plotted to file
    Plot file path: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data
    Paper size: ARCH D (36.00 x 24.00 Inches)

    ERROR: Invalid Plot Information

    Other Comments:
    "Just upgraded to Autocad 2005 and when i try to plot to our Calcomp Techjet
    5636 over a network it insists to plot to a file even when the plot to file dialog
    box is unchecked.

    Plotting/Printing works fine on all the other printing devices we have.In
    Autocad 2004 and previous versions the HDI driver worked fine.

    When I set up my HDI driver, I double checked the Plot To File option to make
    sure it was unchecked. When I plot Autocad states it is plotting to my
    programmed netwok port and then it Gives me the "Job: - Error(s) Did Not

    *** NOTES AND STATUS CHANGE 10 Jun 2004 01:06:07 India Standard
    Time kamathn Action Type: Manager review
    Dear Normand Evers:

    Thank you for choosing Autodesk Subscription. Your support request has been
    escalated to an Autodesk technical specialist for resolution. We will notify you
    immediately by email each time your support request is updated. We appreciate
    your patience as we work to resolve your inquiry.

    The complete case notes for this case are provided below for your reference.

    Best Regards,

    Niranjan Kamath
    Autodesk Subscription Support Team

    *** STATUS CHANGE 10 Jun 2004 01:36:40 India Standard Time kelgeru

    *** NOTES THROUGH WEB 10/JUN/2004 06:55:36 By Normand Evers
    1-I reconfigured the Techjet plotter from "to port" to "plot to file". The PLT was
    created and through a Command window(DOS) I sent the PLT file to my plotter
    (using the TYPE command in DOS) and it came out fine.

    2-I connected the plotter to my parallel port. I reconfigured the Techjet plotter
    "to port" on LPT1.I sent the plot to my plotter and it came out fine.

    3-I connected the plotter to my parallel port.I shared my plotter connection in
    Windows workgroup with other PC's. I reconfigured the Techjet plotter from "to port" on
    LPT1 to "to port" on Windows shared printer. I got the error message again.

    So as I see it the driver does work if you send it to "plot to file" or if it is
    connected directly to my parallel port, but it totally refuses to send to the plotter
    over either Novell server queues or Windows print sharing. I've been on the
    Autodesk newsgroups & general newsgroups and this is not an isolated

    Thank you

    *** NOTES 11 Jun 2004 13:06:03 Pacific Daylight Time hubbard Action Type:
    Manager review
    Dear Normand Evers:

    As I mentioned I did log this with our development team.
    One thing you may try as a workaround though is to MAP or Capture a parallel
    port to the network resource.

    For instance as a Command Prompt you could use the following syntax to
    setup a fictious LPT3 port to point to a network resource or share
    NET USE LPT3 \\server\sharename <file://\\server\sharename>

    Then in the PC3 file for the Calcomp driver choose LPT3 as your port.

    The complete case notes for this case are provided below for your reference.

    Best Regards,
    Danny Hubbard
    Autodesk Subscription Support Team

    *** NOTES THROUGH WEB 14/JUN/2004 07:19:50 By Normand Evers
    Dear Autodesk Subscription Support Team:

    Thanks for the tip,(MAP or capture LPT3 to network resource, then in the PC3
    choose LPT3 as your port) but I had allready tried this.
    I tried mapping either from \server\sharename or
    even \workgroup\share by connecting the plotter to an other workstation &
    nothing worked.I receive the following error <<Invalid I/O type or port name.
    I/O is now configured to plot to a port of the default type or file.>>

    Up to now I've configured the PC3 to "plot to file" & i've created a BAT file to
    send it to my plotter. Meabe I will try Autospool next but I'm unfamiliar with it and
    the example in the resource guide is not extensive enough for me.

    The best would be to fix the HDI driver but i could settle for Autospools if it

    Best Regards
    Normand Evers

    *** NOTES AND STATUS CHANGE 15 Jun 2004 13:22:32 Pacific Daylight
    Time hubbard Action Type: Manager review
    Dear Normand Evers:

    The document below should show a lot of the steps to setup Autospool though
    the application of this document is slightly different.

    Plot drawings to specific folder (TS38777 )

    You would want to change the bat file though from:

    @Echo off
    Move %1 c:\spfiles

    @Echo off
    Copy %1 \\server\share <file://\\server\share> /b
    Delete %1

    When doing this for the first time I like to add a Pause line before the Exit
    command so I can see the DOS Window to make sure evreything worked OK.

    The complete case notes for this case are provided below for your reference.

    Best Regards,
    Danny Hubbard
    Autodesk Subscription Support Team

    *** LAST MESSAGE FROM AUTODESK 30 Jun 2004 10:33:51

    Autodesk Subscription

    From: Autodesk Subscription Support Team
    Sent: 2004/06/30 10:33:51 Pacific Daylight Time
    Case Number: 1020947 (Click to update or review)
    To: Normand Evers
    Subject: Calcomp HDI driver not functionning properly/at all

    Dear Normand Evers:

    This is an update to your Support Request. Our development team has tentatively scheduled to deliver a fix in:The next Service Pack,
    available in approximately two to four months.


    The next major release of AutoCAD. The specific release date is unknown, so please use the timing of previous release cycles as a
    guideline.Please note:Our quality assurance teams may need to reschedule some fixes. Please rely on the above timeline information
    as a guideline only and nota guarantee. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.

    Best Regards,

    Danny Hubbard
    Autodesk Subscription Support Team
    Normand Evers, Nov 11, 2004
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