Calcomp 5500 techjet plotter

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by web1323, Jan 6, 2004.

  1. web1323

    web1323 Guest

    Hi All,

    We have an old Calcomp 5500 plotter that plots very well. We have used it in
    the past for plotting from autocad 14 which I believe has its own driver. We
    recently bought a couple seats of SW and so far can only use the plotter by
    outputting a .DWG file and then plotting it thru Autocad. Does anyone know
    of a driver for Windows 2000 that would make possible plots directly from
    SW? This is my first contact with this newsgroup and I appreciate any help
    anyone can come up with.

    Excel Gear. Inc. (Rosco, Illinois)

    Bill Blasdel
    Rockford, Illinois
    web1323, Jan 6, 2004
  2. I'm guessing you don't have a Windows driver for it - go to and see if it will work.
    I don't know anything at all about this plotter, but this is my guess. SW
    should be able to plot to any Windows printer/plotter.

    Wayne Tiffany, Jan 6, 2004
  3. web1323

    web1323 Guest


    Thanks guys for the help. We have to move some equipment around before
    hooking up the 5500 but it looks like, with your help, I've got the drivers
    I need. Hopefully, everything will go smooth and I won't have to pester you
    any more about this.

    Thanks again,
    web1323, Jan 8, 2004
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