CADxp press release

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Patrick EMIN, Nov 2, 2004.

  1. Patrick EMIN

    Patrick EMIN Guest

    10 000 members registered on CADxp, first French-speaking CAD and new
    technologies portal

    An atypical success in the CAD world

    Since its creation, in November 2002, CADxp quickly became the first
    French-speaking CAD portal (Computer Aided Design). In
    two years, 10 000 members registered! An all the more astonishing result as
    CADxp is a private initiative, voluntary, and without financing. Beyond the
    success of this atypical project, demonstration is made for the need of
    exchanging experiences between CAD users. There are some users groups of CAD
    softwares, but these groups are narrowly sponsored by editors themselves and
    allow only occasionally to discuss CAD in general, i.e. respective merits of
    such or such software, strategic choice of a software, and especially of
    their interworking, an increasingly significant topic at a time when the
    word "PLM" (Product Lyfecycle Management) is on all mouths.

    For several years, discussion forums also calls "newsgroups" have been the
    only ressource for technical support. They allow exchanging textual
    messages, and sometimes file attachments. CADxp wished right from the start
    to supplement the resources offered by these newsgroups by creating a true
    portal, i.e. a Web site gathering a whole of resources and not only
    discussion forums.

    You will find on CADxp an images gallery, a download zone, a Web links
    directory, a Guestbook, quizzs, press releases, articles suggested by the
    visitors and published by the webmaster, reports, a video library, an
    encyclopaedia, a selection of CAD related books, ads, weblogs for the
    members, polls, a calendar of CAD events, an address book, a shared white
    board, real time chats, a neswletter, resources for the webmasters, a
    partners list, and so on...

    CADxp wanted to be right from the start an initiative independent from
    editors and resellers in order to guarantee its freedom of expression. All
    CAD software without exception is welcome. It is true that one notes a
    preeminence of the
    Autodesk software, this is due partly to the actual market state and to the
    history of CADxp, created by Patrick EMIN, specialist in the AutoCAD
    software. After a few initial difficult months due to poor hosting
    conditions, CADxp reached several tens of new inscriptions per day. On
    average, there are about thirty inscriptions per day, 112 000 pages seen per
    month, 20 000 visits per month, 16 000 single visitors per month. One
    notices a strong presence of our quebec friends even if all the
    French-speaking countries are represented. One notes a very strong
    participation in the forums of discussion, with an average of 50 new
    messages per day; 629 000 messages were read (posts and answers), 3647 new
    topics were launched.
    The keyword search functionalities on the forums make CADxp the best place
    for technical support for the CAD French-speaking users.

    If CAD is the main theme of CADxp, it would not be possible to talk only
    about software without also speaking about hardware, the relationships at
    work and the organization of engineering departements, to talk about new
    technologies, used and designed by CAD.

    The success of CADxp is also related to the will not to censure any subject,
    provided naturally it does not contravene the Net etiquette rules, and
    provided it's not out of topic. In order to guarantee this editorial line,
    all information which is published on the site is permanently checked,
    several times per day. This very fast reactivity is one of the points most
    appreciated by CADxp visitors. Besides, one feels a very great implication
    of the participating members, who endeavour to guarantee this policy.

    Although CADxp is not a company with lucrative goal, it is possible for
    companies, as for individuals, to benefit from the vast audience of the site
    by placing advertising banners at low cost. These incomes make it possible
    to deaden operating expenses of the site. If you have a professional or
    personal site, not necessarily related to the CAD world, you can very easily
    post your advertising banner on CADxp by clicking on the button "PUB" on the
    top right corner of the site. Detailed instructions in several languages,
    including english, will be then provided to proceed with the installation of
    your banner.

    Although the webmaster of CADxp devotes a considerable energy with the daily
    operation of the site, in addition to its other activities, we arrive at a
    stage where it becomes difficult to manage that voluntarily. For some time
    now, CADxp thus calls upon its members for a donation. This donation is made
    by surtaxed phone call, it represents an extremely weak cost for the giver,
    but we have hope that a few hundreds or a few thousands donations will allow
    the continuation of this project.

    CADxp is at

    CADxp was created by Patrick EMIN, user of CAD software for about fifteen
    years, certified Autodesk trainer during five years, specialized on AutoCAD,
    and author of several books about this software.

    Contact: or telephone: (+33) 6 60 46 70 92
    Patrick EMIN, Nov 2, 2004
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