CADxp press release, November 19, 2006

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Patrick, Nov 19, 2006.

  1. Patrick

    Patrick Guest

    CADxp press release, November 19, 2006

    CADxp (, the french-speaking CAD portal is proud to
    announce the registration of its 30000th member today. After four years
    of existence, CADxp became the first CAD (Computer Aided Design)
    french-speaking portal, designed specifically for CAD end-users.

    Mainly oriented towards Autodesk software users at its beginning, the
    site diversified and attracts now more and more users of other software
    such as SolidWorks, Catia, Pro-Engineer. The most used sections of the
    site are the technical support forums, CAD articles, and the download
    section. The technical support forums are now the main resource for CAD
    end-users. The number of visitors on the site makes it possible to very
    quickly obtain a response to a particular problem, generally within an
    hour or two. It is the key to success; a technical support forum is
    viable only if very attended. With on average thirty new registrations
    per day for more than two years, the success of CADxp is guaranteed.

    The site was launched on November 1, 2002 by Patrick EMIN, CAD
    specialist, AutoCAD trainer and developer during several years. An
    individual initiative and without financing, CADxp has always be
    attached to preserve its independence from software editors and
    retailers. Operating expenses of the site are deadened partly by
    advertiser’s campaigns, mainly by CAD editors.

    In November 2005, the English version of CADxp was launched at

    In addition to an internal search function, CADxp has search
    capabilities assisted by Google. Several RSS feeds are available, in
    particular the list of the last forums messages and the list of the last
    articles. CADxp very early innovated by proposing meta RSS feeds,
    combining several feeds. For example, you can subscribe to RSS feeds
    combining all new articles of Autodesk blogs, all new messages published
    on Autodesk AutoCAD forums, a functionality that Autodesk does not
    propose yet. Each CADxp forum is also available as a separate RSS feed.
    If you prefer to read the latest news on your Windows desktop, you can
    also add to it the CADxp Google gadgets.

    CADxp, it’s nearly 100 new messages per day, 8000 pages seen per day,
    and 1000 visitors per day.

    About CADxp:
    Patrick, Nov 19, 2006
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