Cadsense wishlist

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Arlin Sandbulte, Jun 25, 2003.

  1. Anyone know what is up with the Cadsense (

    It has been down for quite a while now. It this permanent? If so, it
    would be a big loss for the SWX community (and other CAD apps as well).
    From my understanding, it was something that SolidWorks paid SOME
    attention to.
    Arlin Sandbulte, Jun 25, 2003
  2. If anyone knows how to set something like that up, let me know...
    Tracey Parker, Jun 26, 2003
  3. It says it is under construction do you get that when you go to the
    link. I really have no good insite though, just what I see.
    Corey Scheich, Jun 26, 2003
  4. Arlin Sandbulte

    Nick E. Guest

    Corey Scheich quipped:
    maybe Linux support being so near the top of the list pissed off Mr. Gates?

    --nick e.
    Nick E., Jun 26, 2003
  5. Arlin Sandbulte

    kellnerp Guest

    He did the list gratis. I guess there were too few people sending him
    appreciation checks. I also think that the quality of the items became a
    bit questionable. :)
    kellnerp, Jun 26, 2003
  6. Arlin Sandbulte

    kellnerp Guest

    He did the list gratis. I guess there were too few people sending him
    appreciation checks. I also think that the quality of the items became a
    bit questionable. :)
    kellnerp, Jun 26, 2003
  7. Arlin Sandbulte

    kellnerp Guest

    He did the list gratis. I guess there were too few people sending him
    appreciation checks. I also think that the quality of the items became a
    bit questionable. :)
    kellnerp, Jun 26, 2003
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