Cadence version

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by marcoballins, Sep 9, 2008.

  1. marcoballins

    marcoballins Guest

    Hi all,

    in many posts I've found that people often refer to Cadence version
    such as "IC446".
    What does that label exactly correspond to? How can I get it for my
    Cadence installation?

    For example getVersion() returns:
    "@(#)$CDS: icfb.exe version 5.1.0 08/20/2007 01:22 (cicln04) $"

    while the the "Help->about icfb" in the CIW opens a window with:
    Virtuoso Front to Back Design Environment

    So what is my IC version, and what does it mean?

    Kind regards,
    marcoballins, Sep 9, 2008
  2. It's the name of the stream that was used when you installed it. If you look in
    the root of your installation (the dir with the "tools.<platform>" directory)
    (assuming it was done with InstallScape), you'll find files such as:


    This is an XML file. You'll see a tag in there called "ReleaseID" which will
    show (for your release):


    You can also (with icfb) work it out from the subversion number - your case it
    is IC5141 (5.10.41 - it's not quite in the same format).

    Essentially this is the name by which the stream is known as under

    Older releases which used Softload you could look in install/pdts and see
    files such as:


    and so you can see the name of the stream there in the names of these files.

    Best Regards,

    Andrew Beckett, Sep 10, 2008
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