Cadence Spectre Vs Synposys HSpice

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by gentle.near, May 12, 2009.

  1. gentle.near

    gentle.near Guest

    Hi All and @Andrew Beckett

    Can you please help me to understand the basic differences between
    Cadence Spectre Circuit Simulator and 'Synopsys HSpice' ? I don't seem
    to have license for Cadence Spectre, is there any way I can trial
    version for few days? Else, I can manage with HSpice, but for that I
    want to understand how close these tools are. Please advice.

    gentle.near, May 12, 2009
  2. For high level details, consult these pages and the datasheets on each:

    It's a little hard to give the details of the differences here - the best thing
    is to contact your local Cadence office (I've no idea where you are based or who
    you work for), and then they can take you through it in person, and sort out
    evaluation criteria and so on.

    Best Regards,

    Andrew Beckett, May 12, 2009
  3. gentle.near

    Riad KACED Guest


    I usually find it hard to add comments on top of Andrew's but I think
    I could say few things on this one :)
    Is there any particular reason you want to switch from Hspice to
    Spectre ? Or just nosy seeing the difference ? Do you know whether
    your foundry does provide Spectre model files or not ?
    What do you intend to simulate ? Analog, Mixed Signal ? RF ?
    Both HSPICE and SPECTRE are well established industry standards and
    silicon-proven Spice simulators. Having said that, most of the
    foundries I'm working with are using HSPICE as the master Simulator
    and for model extraction. The HSPICE models are then derived into
    Spectre, Eldo ... Spectre is the best ever simulator in terms of
    integration into DFII and usage with AMS designer, Voltage Storm. This
    is normal as you would imagine. Besides, with Spectre you could use
    ocean scripting and thus Skill which rather powerful. I hate it at the
    beginning because most of my experience was with Eldo but I quite like
    it now. Having said that, I have worked with Analog guys who preferred
    Hspice in terms of functionality. Personally I can't make any comment
    on this given my very weak experience, I don't want to hold
    unsubstantiated rumors. You could give it a look on the Internet
    though. Just search Spectre versus Hspice in Google or in the
    Designer's guide web site. These are couple of links I was reading
    about this evening:

    And there are loads of others ... Make your opinion ...

    Riad KACED, May 13, 2009
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