Cadence RCX - QRC help

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Reotaro Hashemoto, Sep 11, 2007.

  1. Hi,

    I am working on two verification flows from DRC to PEX; the first flow
    is full Assura flow (DRC, LVS, and RCX), and the other flow is:
    Calibre DRC/LVS -> Maping SVDB data through qurey server -> Run QRC.

    What should be expected is to have the same output SPICE netlist out
    from the two flows, or even with slight changes due to parasitics..

    The problem i face is: In Calibre/EXT (Calibre/QRC) flow, when data
    coming from the query server passes by QRC, the netlist suffer a
    strange changes in:
    - Device names (i care more for MOSFETs)
    - Some net names are changed as if it's trying to rename nets that
    comes more than once.
    e.g. Mxxx A B C B ----------> Mxxx A B_32 C B (on of the B's were
    - There's some swapping in pins orders (e.g. Source and drain

    How can this problem occure from??

    I'm running QRC from command line as:
    Where RSF_rcs contains RCX runtime settings ( avParameters and
    rcxParameters ) ... The contents of that file is shown below.

    Can anyone hint where can the problem due to?!
    Thanks a lot in advance,

    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; RSF_rcx
    File ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

    setShellEnvVar( "ASSURA_AUTO_64BIT=ALL" )
    setShellEnvVar( "ASSURA_CALIBRE_FLOW=t" )

    ?technology "c120_4m_LM_logic_tech" ; name
    of the technology
    ?techLib "assura/assura_tech.lib" ;
    path and name of the technology file

    ?lvsSource "hcci"
    ?hcciRunDir "./output"
    ?hcciRunName "Design"
    ?agdsLayerMapFile "./output/"
    ?hcciNetProp 5
    ?hcciInstProp 6
    ?hcciDevProp 7
    ?outputFormat "spice"
    ?outputNetNameSpace "schematic"
    ?netNameSpace "schematic"
    ?output "myTry.spc" ; name of the
    ?runName "rundir" ; directory name for the RCX files

    ;;; control of use models ;;;
    ?type "full" ; for fullchip extraction

    ?capExtractMode "coupled" ; for crosscoupled C extraction
    ?extractMosDiffusionRes t ; extract NRS/NRD for Mos transistors
    ?minC 1e-21
    ?minCByPercentage 0

    ;;; controls appearance and size of RC network ;;;
    ?subNodeChar "_" ; change, if net names contain "_", shorts
    to parasitic subnode
    ?hierarchyDelimiter "_"
    ?deviceFingerDelimiter "_"
    ?fractureLengthUnits "squares"

    ;;; for IR-drop ;;;
    ?ignoreVias ( layers("sbcont" "nwcont") nets( "VSS" "VDD"))

    ;;; general entries ;;;
    ?parasiticCapModels "no"
    ?parasiticResModels "yes"
    ?capModels "yes"
    ?resModels "yes"
    ?resistor "presistor symbol ifxc11fl"
    ?capacitor "pcapacitor symbol ifxc11fl"

    Reotaro Hashemoto, Sep 11, 2007
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