Cadence questions

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Kuan Zhou, Feb 28, 2005.

  1. Kuan Zhou

    Kuan Zhou Guest


    I have 2 questions on Cadence with regard to Spectre simulations in
    the "Analog Environment" interface.

    1) I get certain "MOS Vgs gate-oxide breakdown" warnings from Spectre
    during my transient simulation. Then, Spectre tells me (by default)that
    it will hence forth "suppress" further such notices. I do NOT want
    Spectre to "suppress" these warnings. Is there anyway to make Spectre
    continue to give out these warnings for the rest of my simulation? I
    want to make sure I see all the transistors in my circuit that are
    having a breakdown problem!

    2) After I run a long simulation, if for some reason my Linux crashes,
    is there anyway to restart a simulation from that point or at least come
    back and view the results of the simulations until that point?


    Kuan Zhou, Feb 28, 2005
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