Discussion in 'Cadence' started by shyamvudathu, Aug 9, 2006.

  1. shyamvudathu

    shyamvudathu Guest

    Hello there,

    I know how to transfer single simulation results into MATLAB via the
    "printvs" function provided in the calculator. But I don't know how to
    trasfer the results of a PARAMETRIC ANALYSIS performed in CADENCE into

    Can any of you gurus help me in doing this?


    Best regards,
    shyamvudathu, Aug 9, 2006
  2. shyamvudathu

    leanderdeng Guest

    Hi VSS,

    Cadence provide a toolbox of Matlab to do simulation data
    post-processing of SpectreRF. I think it may work for Spectre. Which
    tool do you use to do Parametric Analysis?


    leanderdeng, Aug 9, 2006
  3. This defiinitely does work for spectre (and Ultrasim, and AMS).

    The Spectre Toolbox is shipped in MMSIM61, and is in:


    It's covered in <mmsimDir>/doc/spectreRFTheory/spectreRFTheory.pdf - chapter 1.

    Essentially, it gives you the matlab function cds_srr for reading psf/sst2
    simulation results databases.

    Andrew Beckett, Aug 12, 2006
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