Cadence hot keys

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Stephen, Aug 25, 2006.

  1. Stephen

    Stephen Guest

    Our University just switched to the newer version of Cadence (we were
    running a version from 2002), and suddenly my hot keys do not work.
    Examples would be shift+z to zoom, or pressing f for full screen in
    Virtuoso, no longer work. I looked at the list of bindkeys for both
    versions, and they are the same - although I didn't think these were
    bind keys, but just hot keys built into Cadence. I will admit, my
    understanding of how exactly these hot keys work - whether they are
    bindkeys or something else - is lacking to say the least.

    Can someone PLEASE fill me in as to why my hot keys no longer work?
    Any information, even if it just leads to an answer, is much
    Stephen, Aug 25, 2006
  2. Stephen

    jdvontass Guest

    More likely the problem is that the site .cdsinit file from the old
    installation didn't get copied into the the
    <cds_install_dir>/tools/dfII/local directory. Have your cad manager
    update that file.
    jdvontass, Sep 2, 2006
  3. Stephen

    Stephen Guest

    Thanks you both for helping me/us with this problem. I copied the file
    to my Cadence startup directory, and that fixed the problem. Again,
    thanks so much.
    Stephen, Sep 9, 2006
  4. Stephen

    amnon Guest

    Do you know how to set the mouse clicks option in the schematics?

    for example, If I wish that the left cursor of the mouse will be for
    draging/choosing and the right click will be for zoom ( the idea is to
    set the mouse right and left clicks to different functions). How do I
    do it?

    amnon, Sep 17, 2006
  5. This is done with the bindkey settings. Take a look at the samples files
    referenced in the previous postings - e.g.



    Andrew Beckett, Sep 19, 2006
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