Cadence Designer Network - CDNLive! Call for Papers Extended

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by cdnlive2005, May 23, 2005.

  1. cdnlive2005

    cdnlive2005 Guest

    Cadence Users,

    It's not too late to submit your abstract for the new Cadence
    Designer Network user conference, CDNLive! Silicon Valley.

    The deadline for the submission of a simple 10-sentence abstract for
    presentations, papers or panels has been extended to May 31, 2005. We
    know you're busy, so to make presenting an easier process, we've
    asked Cadence to host a webinar ("Presentations and Papers-No
    Sweat") in late-June for all customers who submit abstracts by the

    We are working to make the first annual CDNLive! conference -- Sept.
    12-14 in Santa Clara - a tremendous success for all Cadence
    customers. For more information about the Cadence Designer Network and
    to submit an abstract, please visit our website: If you have additional
    questions about abstracts or topics for presentations, papers or
    panels, please don't hesitate to contact via our home page

    We hope you'll take advantage of this opportunity to be part of
    CDNLive! Silicon Valley.

    Best wishes,

    Mike Catrambone, UTStarcom, Inc.
    Nigel Foley, Freescale Semiconductor
    Wolfgang Grimm, Infineon Technologies, Inc.
    Herve Menager, Philips Semiconductors
    Jean-Paul Morin, STmicroelectronics
    Bharat Patel , ATI Technologies, Inc.
    Sue Strang, IBM Corporation
    Todd Westerhoff, Cisco Systems, Inc.

    Steering Committee Members
    Cadence Designer Network
    cdnlive2005, May 23, 2005
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