CADDS 5 not on Sun?

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Bruce Treffinger, Jul 22, 2004.

  1. Is anyone running the old CV CADDS 5 on something other than a Sun
    workstation (esp. an HP)?

    If so, does it work as well as on Sun? Any problems? Can you get any
    support from PTC?

    The Rule of Abi-Bar-Shim (Project Mgr. - Great Pyramid):

    "At some point it becomes necessary to behead all the architects and
    begin construction."

    Bruce Treffinger, Jul 22, 2004
  2. Bruce Treffinger

    David Janes Guest

    : Can you get any
    : support from PTC?
    Nobody here can speak for PTC. You really need to ask them about the status of the
    CADDS 5 product. However, one of the bigger users, Solar Turbines in San Diego,
    California, is slowly migrating all its CADDS 5 licenses to Pro/e. I assumed
    (heard a rumor? don't remember) that this was because PTC was, at some point,
    going to stop supporting it. With all kinds of support issues being a huge drag on
    their bottom line, I wouldn't be surprised to see this happen sooner, rather than
    later. If you go to PTC's website, there should be some of the information about
    what it runs on, if you're still interested.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Jul 22, 2004
  3. Bruce Treffinger

    Da Crew Guest


    We run two seats of CADDS 5i V13 on Windows-based HP workstations (windows
    2000) along with 10 seats of Unix-based SUN Ultrasparc workstations.

    If you've ever dealt with PTC on CADDS support, you know it can be quite
    tedious. I can check w/my IT guy, but I believe they do offer support for
    this setup. We are doing it like this for exactly the reason David
    mentioned, we are slowly (much too slowly for my taste) migrating to Pro/e
    WF2.0 AND it was for the same reason! PTC intends to discontinue upgrading
    and supporting CV in the future (although I cannot remember when).

    Does it run as well on the PC as on a It can run on a windows
    maching only through a UNIX emulator which can cause problems. We had many
    computer lock ups when we first did this, on very simple commands, too. We
    struggled through it and they work much better now. One of the things we
    had to do, was add a delay to some of the command prompts. What was
    happening was if you clicked an icon (refresh, for instance) and then
    clicked another icon too soon, it would freeze up. However, they still are
    not quite as stable as the Unix-based SUN systems.

    The other problem, of course, is with any work performed on these seats is
    not backward-compatible with our 10.0. A good workaround there is to
    "construct part" of the geometry which can then be inserted into an earlier
    version (don't know why). Of course, this doesn't help much with

    Hope this helps,
    Da Crew!
    Da Crew, Sep 10, 2004
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