CAD Systems Comparison

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by cadman800, May 3, 2005.

  1. cadman800

    cadman800 Guest

    Ok I know I am opening a can of worms here but I looking for a good place to
    find a comparison of Cad packages. I would like to find non biased info on
    Solidworks, UG, PROE, Catia and even the infamous VX and any other that are
    in the same class. Our assemblies are large 3000 to 6000 components Art to
    part type lots of curvy stuff.


    cadman800, May 3, 2005
  2. cadman800

    Cliff Guest

    What other people/firms do you need to share or translate data to
    & from? What are their needs?
    That might be important.

    What is to be done with your data when you are done
    with it (or think that you are)? Who will use it from
    there and what software or other tools do they need?

    What are your own people used to ? That's very important too.
    How "curvy" is "curvy stuff"? That might impact constrained
    parametric vs. non-constrained modelers.

    Do you have any "stylists" on staff? RUN FOR THE HILLS !!

    All in all, probably not much help ...
    Cliff, May 3, 2005
  3. cadman800

    TOP Guest

    What have you found out searching this newsgroup so far?

    What are you designing?

    How many seats and any collaboration required?
    TOP, May 3, 2005
  4. cadman800

    cadman800 Guest

    looking for about 25 + seats FEA, Thermal, Flow , Structural Freq, PDM
    system Pluggin to a unknown MRP system looking for a solution there to.

    We currently have 14 seats of SW 05 sp2. PDMworks Cosmos

    We design Aircraft mounted EO sensor packages with allot of curved shapes
    Mass properties are extremely important due to having a balanced system
    collaboration is a important consideration with outside vendors

    I have been lurking in this group for 2 plus years and see stuff about ProE
    but mostly VX and from what I have seen posted I have a bad taste in my
    mouth on that one

    cadman800, May 3, 2005
  5. Dennis,
    Start by seeking out the products built by manufacturers that exhibit the
    following characteristics:

    "Highly capable, innovative, and enthusiastic team with common goals and
    values. The values held and the expectations for all team members are:
    - Mutual respect and trust
    - Dignity
    - Pride in our Products
    - Ethics, Honesty, Integrity, and Initiative

    Our goal is to be a responsive, respected, value-adding team member for
    client programs and we are committed to this success. "

    If this looks familiar, it should. It's from your own web site and is the
    reason your company is excellent and successful.

    Everything else is just mechanics and therefore easy to evaluate with a
    little effort.

    My own 2c here would be to get CATIA and not to fool around with the
    J. R. Carroll, May 3, 2005
  6. cadman800

    jon_banquer Guest

    Another "happy" SaladWorks user heard from. This one can't figure
    out whats really causing the bad taste in his mouth.

    Sounds like with his "open mind" and "unbiased" evaluation
    he will be much happier making his next jump from the frying
    pan to the fire.

    jon_banquer, May 3, 2005
  7. cadman800

    TOP Guest

    First of all when considering SW I would most definitely point you
    toward keeping CAD and CAE tools separate. I don't have a problem with
    SW producing the "swoopy" shapes needed for aircraft or most anything
    else. Salvador, Eaton, Wilson and others have gotten extremely good
    results out of SW in that area. I have to ask how large your
    assemblies may get.

    In the area of interoperability with imported geometry you will
    probably have some concerns. SW just doesn't go the whole 100 yards in
    this area. But there are addins or better, standalone packages from
    places like Capvidia that can do an outstanding job of getting you past
    this hurdle.

    I mentioned in the beginning standalone CAE tools. I am not a big fan
    of integrated tools. Documentation of models is one big issue I have.
    If you know FEA you know that the results are good for the geometry
    used at the time of analysis. It is all too easy to change the model
    after an FEA run and lose the geometry. For that reason I prefer
    products like DesignStar, Cosmos/M, NEiWorks and NE Nastran. When you
    do the analysis you also get a file (either text or binary) that
    contains the geometry you analyzed. It can be archived will little
    change of inadvertent changes. In addition, standalones don't tie up a
    seat of SW while running. I have used all the products I have just
    listed. Also, standalone may give you economies of networking fewer

    You can't beat Nastran for modal analysis and if you go with NE/Nastran
    you can do structural, thermal and they even have a flow package,
    though I haven't used it. NE/Nastran uses the FEMAP preprocessor which
    is a bit antiquated, but very capable.

    In addition for CFD I use CFDesigner. I have also used FloWorks, but I
    prefer CFDesigner and own a seat.
    TOP, May 3, 2005
  8. cadman800

    Ken Guest

    You will find nothing that is unbiased. It is up to you to identify a few
    systems to look at, and probably narrow it down to a list of 3 or 4 to
    actually benchmark with a comprehensive example of your product performing a
    complete workflow from concept to retirement of your designs, and I'm not
    talking about getting eval copies. I'm talking about creating a script that
    contains both a portion that the vendor recieves in advance of the
    benchmark, and a part that the vendor recieves as they are performing the
    benchmark. It will take some time and effort, but making the wrong decision
    can cost much more in the long run.

    Ken, May 4, 2005
  9. cadman800

    haulin79 Guest

    With your requirements, I would recommend
    It is built on the Catia V5 kernel. It's native files are Catia V5.
    Price is a little higher than SolidWorks but with their specials it may
    be the same. 3000 to 6000 components should be a breeze for the Catia
    V5 kernel but check with impactxoft directly of course.

    Both Intel and Catia (Dassault)are owners of impactxoft. They have a free 30 day
    trial too.

    Best of luck!
    haulin79, May 4, 2005
  10. cadman800

    jon_banquer Guest

    I see ImpactSoft has a 30 day downloadable demo. When I get
    a chance (unfortunately I don't think this will be anytime
    soon as I'm committed to learning Gibbs Solidsurfacer at the
    moment) I will have to try IX Style.

    Your not an ImpactSoft "sock puppet" / shill are ya ? :>)


    jon_banquer, May 4, 2005
  11. cadman800

    haulin79 Guest

    As a matter of fact I am a shill for VX, ImpactXoft, and SolidWorks
    2004 SP5 :)
    haulin79, May 4, 2005
  12. cadman800

    Cliff Guest

    Gee, jb .... is VX really all that good at FEA, Thermal, Flow,
    Structural Freq, PDM and MRP? How about CFD & COSMOS?
    Works well with all those vendors too?

    Got any demos or movies? I noted no such ads or blurbs for
    such on VX's Site ..... have some secret ones?

    Any clues what the terms mean? ANY of them?

    BTW, No electrical/electronics or non-linear?
    Cliff, May 4, 2005
  13. Pipe down Cliff -

    It absolutely rocks on AFU, NFG & CTD.

    Sean-Michael Adams, May 4, 2005
  14. cadman800

    cadman800 Guest

    This would be the bad taste I was talking about

    As a matter of fact I have downloaded VX Jon but with all the crap you post
    here it has already clouded my judgment you by far are the worst salesman
    and are hurting VX's sale more than your are helping keep up the good work

    cadman800, May 4, 2005
  15. cadman800

    Cliff Guest

    LOL .... Probably it does but he'll never know.
    Cliff, May 4, 2005
  16. cadman800

    Michael Guest

    and just think back, about a year ago Cliff was stumped when HSM was
    mentioned. LOL!


    Michael Gailey
    Artistic CNC Mill, Router and Engraver Programming
    3D modeling for Product Design and Development
    Michael, May 4, 2005
  17. cadman800

    cadman800 Guest

    Thanks all for the useful information it will help us in deciding on or next
    cad package Catia and UGNX are what we are leaning toward at the moment and
    I will also be looking at impactxoft

    Thanks again
    cadman800, May 4, 2005
  18. cadman800

    Cliff Guest

    Missed many posts, did you?
    How many times?

    Cliff, May 4, 2005
  19. cadman800

    Cliff Guest

    Don't give up yet.
    Many others may yet chime in.

    BTW, As you already know & use SW I'd guess ..... ?
    Cliff, May 4, 2005
  20. cadman800

    cadman800 Guest

    since 98 plus

    cadman800, May 4, 2005
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