Cad Manager Tools

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by paudiek, Feb 26, 2004.

  1. paudiek

    paudiek Guest

    I've being trying to use the Autodesk Product Manager to do an Audit of all the Autodesk software within a company. It works really well for the majority of seats across the network. But six machines which i've full rights too and i can ping there registry settings keep returning a message ' Access to the computer denied'. These machines are connected to the network and users were logged in. There's no obvious differences, there running on a combination of Oper Systems, win2000 and XP pro.

    Any ideas anyone,

    paudiek, Feb 26, 2004
  2. paudiek

    patrick_aps Guest

    Just a wild guess...
    maybe they have different Network settings (TCP/IP and or Netbeui) or a FireWall (like zoneAlarm or build in XP)
    patrick_aps, Feb 27, 2004
  3. paudiek

    paudiek Guest

    unfortunately the I.T. manager assures me that all installations are similar, builds of the operating system should be the same
    paudiek, Mar 2, 2004
  4. Hello,

    Make sure that you can do a remote registry reed on the systems in question.
    If you can not do this then the Autodesk Product Manager will not work.
    Your IT guys should be able to check this for you. Also as a test see if
    the tool works when installed one of the local systems that has this issue.
    If yes, they check the Microsoft Knowledge base to see what you need to do
    to open up the registry for remote registry read.

    Hope this helps.

    Bud Schroeder
    AutoCAD Test Development
    Autodesk Inc.

    similar, builds of the operating system should be the same
    Bud Schroeder [Autodesk Inc.], Mar 3, 2004
  5. paudiek

    paudiek Guest

    Thanks for the input, was messing around with it again today and got funny results. To confirm i can do a remote registry read. But what i found today is that if i install cad manager utility on the machine and then run the audit from my laptop it works but not for all machines, theres one machine with a dual boot causing me trouble, maybe this has something else to do with it.
    paudiek, Mar 3, 2004
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