cad for motor cycles?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Highlandish, Feb 12, 2007.

  1. Highlandish

    Highlandish Guest

    is there a software package that is best for designing custom motorcycles? I
    want to try downloading many different parts and trying them in 3d on a bike
    frame. I want to see the parts in wireframe and also in a skinned look. I
    want to use a mouse to draw on pipes for exhausts. I want to rotate any
    piece in real time.

    can anyone suggest something that will make this easy?

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    "Cadenza: The orchestra's favourite part of a solo concerto, when they can
    get on with reading Playboy, Autocar, etc... while the soloist sweats it out
    alone... Traditionally [cadenzas] would end with a prolonged trill, the
    nearest musical equivalent to an alarm-clock, its purpose being to rouse the
    orchestra from slumber - the ones who have nothing to read, that is." -
    Antony Hopkins, Doronbeat Music Guide (1977)
    Highlandish, Feb 12, 2007
  2. If your looking for easy, it doesn't get any easier than google
    sketchup. Not to mention it's free. Of course this would be for
    conceptual modeling only. Also, check out google's "3d warehouse."
    and search "motorcycle". There's a couple slick models drawn.
    Lee St. Louis, Feb 12, 2007
  3. Highlandish

    C Kreskay Guest

    I like a lot of what I see there, I might have to look at the pro version if
    I want to mix and match or make my own though, I was hoping for a
    recommendation about Autodesk software though, was there one in particular
    for bikes?

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    "Mosquitoes have caused more deaths than all the wars... Guppies devour
    mosquito larvae so may be the best defense against them.... We budget
    billions for military systems. Preposterous! Spend it on guppies!" -
    letter to the editor, Eugene newspaper
    C Kreskay, Feb 13, 2007
  4. Highlandish

    babygrand Guest

    If you want to stay in the realm of AutoCAD, you have two choices. AutoCAD
    itself will do 3D, but you don't really want to go there. It's pretty
    worthless, in my opinion, and quite user UN-friendly. The other choice is
    Inventor. Inventor is a true parametric solid modeler, with a fair
    rendering package. However, it ain't cheap, and has a somewhat steep
    learning curve. Takes a prety robust hardware setup to run it well, also.

    As usal, the old adage, "fast, pretty and cheap - pick any two" applies


    babygrand, Feb 13, 2007
  5. Highlandish

    C Kreskay Guest

    thanks, its a nice site too
    C Kreskay, Feb 14, 2007
  6. Highlandish

    C Kreskay Guest

    thanks, i'll look into inventor
    C Kreskay, Feb 14, 2007
  7. Highlandish

    SkiFastBadly Guest
    SkiFastBadly, Feb 22, 2007
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