CAD & creativity

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Brett Robertson, Jul 5, 2006.

  1. Hi everyone,

    Is CAD affecting your ability to be creative? I would like to invite you to
    participate in a survey to help me find out. The link below will take you to
    a short online survey that should take 5-10min to complete. It's part of an
    academic research project looking at the ways CAD can affect the way we do
    our work and solve engineering problems. I can provide anyone who is
    interested with a summary of the results.

    Thanks very much,

    Brett Robertson

    CAD designer & PhD student

    University of Queensland, Australia
    Brett Robertson, Jul 5, 2006
  2. Sure it does. And it affects the outcome a lot, too.

    CAD designs are pretty often questionable aesthetically,
    because predetermined by the features and flaws of CAD -
    esp. when these complex and powerful tools are left to
    some (more or less) trained monkeys.

    Walther Mathieu, Jul 5, 2006
  3. Brett Robertson

    Hacks Guest

    Hacks, Jul 6, 2006
  4. Brett Robertson

    David Janes Guest

    Brett, could you, in any way, demonstrate that your "survery" has anything to do
    with "cad", "creativity" or "research", as, sort of, an inducement to my venturing
    into this uncharted territory!?! (One seems to be able to find nothing about it
    without actually TAKING it!! Odd, wouldn't you say). Perhaps, you might also be so
    bold as to state the parameters of your investigation ~ your assumptions, your
    conceptions (e.g., what do you understand CAD to be), your goals. The stated aims
    seem about as mushy as any design study I've ever come across, (including the one
    for cold fusion) though I'm sure yours are better formulated than they seem. In
    the event that your goals/methods seem reasonably scientific, I'd be happy to
    participate, as I'm a "CAD" junkey-monkey and have done all of my best work with
    David Janes, Jul 8, 2006
  5. David,

    The first page of the survey should answer your questions. At this stage I
    don't want to be any more up-front about my assumptions/conceptions than I
    have been, as this would bias the results. I want to know what you think,
    not tell you what I think.

    By the way, I've had over 100 responses so far with only a couple of (very
    minor) negative comments. Thanks again to everyone who has contributed! I'll
    post the results to those who are interested soon.

    Brett Robertson, Jul 11, 2006
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