Cabinet Elevation Drawings with Visio?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by dpodz, Jan 22, 2005.

  1. dpodz

    dpodz Guest

    Has anyone had experience creating basic drawings with Visio? My plan
    is to create blocks of our standard cabinets (that's what we sell) in
    Visio. Then rather than tying up engineering time for sales submittals,
    we can let the sales support people create their own drawings. That
    would work for about 90% of the time when standard products are used.
    For the other 10%, engineering could get involved and create the custom

    Has anyone else done this and are there any flaws in my plan? Thanks
    for your help.
    dpodz, Jan 22, 2005
  2. dpodz

    P. Guest

    This is a SolidWorks newsgroup. Don't know if you will find much help
    for this here.
    P., Jan 23, 2005
  3. dpodz

    dpodz Guest

    At one time, SolidWorks was associated with Visio. They were giving
    away copies of Visio Technical to use with SolidWorks. Just wondering
    if any SolidWorks users actually created Visio blocks from SW models
    for a similar purpose as mine.
    dpodz, Jan 23, 2005
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