C2 Continuity...... special conditions

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by cadjunkie, Nov 21, 2006.

  1. cadjunkie

    cadjunkie Guest

    Not sure if any of you remember, but I know that I saw a video or some
    tutorial where you could use the boundary surface, and if you had
    certain condition met, you could choose true C2 continunity. I have
    tried sketches and surfaces, but I can't remember what needed to happen
    prior to get the option to happen.

    I may just be crazy but who knows.....
    cadjunkie, Nov 21, 2006
  2. cadjunkie

    ed1701 Guest

    Could you be clearer on what your profiles are?
    C2 continuity relates to maintaining curvature continuity with
    adjoining faces at the beginning or end (or left or right) of the
    'boundary' as related to surfaces around the perimeter of your new
    'boundary' patch.
    Are your profiles edges of the surfaces? Are they 3d sketches converted
    from the edges of surfaces? Composite curves also ought to work (they
    do with loft, but I have not checked with boundary since early
    Or are your profiles 2D sketches (I'd be suprised if those worked -
    they don't offer C2 with loft up thru 2006, even when the sektch is
    converted from model edges)

    Obviously I'm fishing a little because I can't use 2007 on production
    work until it is a littel more mature, but I do intend to experiment
    heavily on it over the next month. If you can give me a little push in
    the right direction by clarifying your profiles I would be happy to
    look into the restrictions and post back.
    ed1701, Nov 22, 2006
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