(C:xxx "xxx" "xxx")

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Flash, Aug 9, 2004.

  1. Flash

    Flash Guest

    I have a program that at any given time it will error out saying that there's no function definition for c:rpref, c:render etc...
    would like to know what might be the problem.

    It seems to fix the problem if I invoke the command first, then run the programs, but I would think I shouldn't have to do that?
    Flash, Aug 9, 2004
  2. Flash

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    These are functions that are defined in the Acad200doc.lsp to load only when
    they are actually called, ie autoloaded.

    There was a thread a month or so ago that discussed this. One way to avoid
    the error, I think, was to make sure the arx file was loaded first.
    (if (not (member "geom3d.arx" (arx)))(arxload "geom3d.arx"))
    This ensures that the commands "mirror3d" "rotate3d" "align" "mirror3d"
    "rotate3d" will run.

    Search that lisp file for the ones you are encountering.....

    check out www.cadvault.com

    there's no function definition for c:rpref, c:render etc...
    programs, but I would think I shouldn't have to do that?
    Jeff Mishler, Aug 9, 2004
  3. Flash

    Flash Guest


    (setq render (findfile "acRender.arx"))
    (if render
    (verify_arxapp_loaded render)

    I like it.... but would rather it be included in the specific program I'm writing at the moment. Its purpose in the acad200Xdoc.lsp is for a 3ds file importation.

    However I wonder if the (c:rpref) command is also located in the same arx? Would stand to reason knowing it's a render setup command, but ya never know.

    Really appreciate the input!

    Flash, Aug 9, 2004
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