Buying a notebook to run SolidWorks

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jacob Filek, Sep 23, 2004.

  1. Jacob Filek

    Jacob Filek Guest

    I have to get a notebook computer to work at a customers site and I have
    narrowed the choices down to two.
    A Dell M60 or a HP ZD7000.

    The differences:

    Dell: Pentium M 2.0 Ghz.
    HP: Pentium 3.2 Ghz. Extreme Edition

    Dell: (1) GB DDR SDRAM
    HP: (2) GB DDR SDRAM

    Graphics Card:
    Dell: Nvidia Quadro FX Go1000 (128 MB)
    HP : Nvidia GeForce FX Go5700 (128 MB)

    Dell: 15.4" WUXGA
    HP: 17.0" WXGA+

    the rest is either the same or inconsequential

    The price:
    Dell: $3,820.00 US
    HP: $3,824.00 US

    Can anybody make any comments about the differences?
    Or any recommendations?

    Thank You
    Jacob Filek, Sep 23, 2004
  2. Jacob Filek

    Jacob Filek Guest

    I'm use to a resolution of 1280 x 1024 on my 21" CRT
    The assemblies I work on can slow my current workstation to a slow crawl.
    (2.2 Ghz processor w/ 1 GB RAM, ATI FireGL2 graphics card)

    HP has a notebook that is very similar to the M60 it's called the ZT3000
    The only bad thing is the graphics card that comes with the system: ATI
    Mobility Radeon 9200 (blah)
    The interesting thing is that a similarly equipped HP ZT3000 system is about
    half the cost of the Dell at $2,300.00!

    I'm looking at the HP ZD7000 series because you can get the Nvidia graphics
    card with it.
    What I don't know about are the processors:
    Pentium 4 3.2 Ghz. E.E. vs. Pentium M 2.0 Ghz.
    And of course any other caveat of owning a notebook to do SoildWorks on.
    Jacob Filek, Sep 23, 2004
  3. Hello Jacob-
    Have you looked at any of the "Mini" computers? My Shuttle (P4 2.8, 2Gb RAM,
    Quadro FX500, Dual SATA HD's w/RAID) works much better than my laptop.
    Best Regards,
    Devon T. Sowell
    Devon T. Sowell, Sep 23, 2004
  4. Jacob Filek

    The Pixleys Guest

    I have an HP 7000 notebook (great display) with Wildfire 1.0...this thing
    runs rings around the one year old Dell 530 workstations we have. No video
    issues (Nvidia 5600). The only down side is that the fan runs all the time
    but it is a P4 so that's what you get.
    The Pixleys, Sep 23, 2004
  5. Jacob Filek

    The Pixleys Guest

    The thing you asked about is SW...I have 2001+ on the big HP and have
    absolutely no issues with up to bout 10 windows open on 2000+ part
    The Pixleys, Sep 23, 2004
  6. I would go with the HP. HP has been working with Solidworks to make their
    machines work very well with all of thier software. I just had a chance to
    play with an HP running Solidworks 2005 at the MSUC (Midwest Solidworks User

    Richard Charney, Sep 23, 2004
  7. Jacob Filek

    Bo Clawson Guest

    HP vs Dell: I own a Dell M60 (& an Inspiron 8000)

    I would suggest that the choice may have more to do with what features
    are really important to you.

    1. Screen size: If I could have picked a 17 inch screen, I would
    have done it in a heart beat.

    2. High speed Ethernet, FireWire, & Wifi/802.11 and BlueTooth is
    mandatory for me and I want it built-in.

    3. Keyboard & Trackpad & buttons: I want the easiest for me to use.
    Dell's could be better, sorry to say.

    4. Extended warranty fix or replace policy and time: Dell guarantees
    me a repairman on site in <24hrs, and they have delivered on that
    every time I needed it (screen cabling and keyboard issues).

    Bo Clawson, Sep 23, 2004
  8. I don't mean to be facitious here, but why would you possibly even hesitate,
    30% more speed, 100% more memory, and 2" more view for $4.00, assuming the
    rest is equal. Kind of a no brainer, don't you think?

    G. De Angelis
    Guido De Angelis, Sep 25, 2004
  9. Jacob Filek

    Jacob Filek Guest

    It isn't as simple as that.

    The processor:
    According to Tom's Hardware ( a 1.6 Ghz Pentium M will
    keep up with and in some cases surpass a 2.2 Ghz Pentium 4 M.
    So the 2 Ghz. Pentium M might out perform a 3.2 Ghz Pentium 4 E.E.???

    The graphics card:
    According to Nvidia's web site ( :
    The GeForce is more for "Entertainment" and the Quadro is for
    With all the postings and information here a "SoftQuadro hack" could
    even out the differences between the two when it comes to SolidWorks.
    But I'm not sure of the differences between 3D gaming and 3D CAD when it
    comes to graphics cards.

    The screen:
    The 2" difference isn't!
    The 17" on a notebook is different than a 17" CRT or flat screen.
    From what I have found:
    The WSXGA+ 17" notebook would have a 16:10 aspect ratio with a 1440 x 900
    The WUXGA 15.4" notebook would have the same 16:10 aspect ratio but would
    have a 1920 x 1200 resolution!

    Thank you for your response.
    Jacob Filek, Sep 25, 2004
  10. Jacob,

    I spent a lot of time looking at the same laptops as you mention. I
    even bought two of the HPs (eventually returned them). I ended up with
    a Dell Inspiron 8600 with the 1920 x 1200 screen. The only thing I miss
    from the HP was the keyboard with the Number Pad! I have a workaround
    that is a wireless number pad from Targus, but it is not as convenient
    as built-in. Sony has it best with a pop-out number pad. My main
    complaint about the HP was the miniscule battery life. The Dell's
    Pentium M is way better, but not as good as they say - maybe because of
    running SWX

    I've been happy so far - especially with the screen. I think the
    wireless setup was a bit better on the HP, tho. I usually end up
    plugging in a CAT5 cable.

    Jerry Forcier
    Jerry Forcier, Sep 27, 2004
  11. Jacob Filek

    Jota180 Guest

    I went through the exact same process two months ago. My primary
    intended use was to run SW2004-2005SE. The Dell M60 was my first
    choice. I watched the price yo-yo on the Dell website for months, but
    the configuration I wanted never fell below $3200, and was sometimes
    nearly $4000 (I'm in the states). And I really wanted a 17" screen
    and a numeric keypad. In the end, I bought a ZD7000 through Costco
    for about $2600. 6 month cash return policy; no questions asked.

    I went with the 3.0 P4, 1G DDR SDRAM, 128 MB Nvidia GeForce Fx Go5700,
    Win XP Pro, 60GB 7200rpm hard drive, and the WSXGA BrightView Screen
    (1680 x 1050).

    IMHO, the screen is absolutely magnificent. It's one of the nicest
    screens I've ever seen, desktop or notebook. Super rich, liquid-like
    colors. Extrememly sharp. The resolution is perfect for me – tons of
    real estate for big CAD assemblies; Word documents displayed with two
    pages side by side are a breeze to read because the text is so sharp.
    I probably wouldn't want to go too much higher on the resolution
    though, as the icons on the task bar at the bottom of the screen are
    already pretty small. Yes, you can enlarge them, but then they're too
    big! Hi-Definition DVD IMAX Coral Reef Adventure looks fantastic on
    this screen.

    I haven't run any really big assemblies yet. Currently I'm working on
    one with, oh, 40 – 50 parts, including a couple that are quite
    complex. Combo loft/sweeps, with lots of fillets; shelled. I've got
    the Options/Document Properties/Image Quality/'Shaded And Draft
    Quality HLR/HLV Resolution' slider maxed out and I can spin the
    assembly super fast; no problem. Sometimes zooming produces a few
    nanoseconds delay.

    Drawbacks: No RealView. Trying to open multiple parts usually
    crashes SW. Fortunately it restarts in seconds. In fact, the whole
    notebook boots up super fast. From the time I press the 'Start'
    button until the desktop is fully up and ready to rock is only about
    45 seconds. Yeah, baby! Nevertheless, I wish I could find a driver
    that would enable the Go5700 to emulate a Quadro. That's really my
    only complaint. Oh, and it's a big ass notebook; I use it as a mobile
    desktop and wouldn't want to have to fly with it regularly. The power
    supply is about the size and weight of a brick. I've forgotten to
    plug it in once or twice and find I get about an hour to an hour and a
    half running SW on the battery.

    For my purposes it's a great notebook, and Logitech makes a really
    nice wireless optical mouse that almost matches the color of the HP!
    FYI, rumors on the Dell forum suggest Dell may come out with a 17"
    notebook Nov./Dec.-ish.
    Jota180, Sep 28, 2004
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