button images on my toolbars, commands are missing

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Johan Grootveld, Jan 24, 2005.

  1. I work some years with autocad since some weeks with autocad 2005.
    I have the following questions, please can someone help?

    Some button images on my toolbars only show a "?". There must be missing
    some file
    somewhere? What file (or menu item) and how to load it? I use customized

    Some commands are missing. Eg. if i want to change an object's layer there
    is an error "Unknown command "xxxxxxxxxxx". Press F1 for help." There must
    be missing some file somewhere? What file (or menu item) and how to load it?
    I use customized menu's.
    Johan Grootveld, Jan 24, 2005
  2. Johan Grootveld

    Relz Guest

    You must have loaded a new Menu Group from the Menu Customization dialog
    box? Did you remember to add a path to the folder containing your button
    bitmaps? If not, go to Tools - Options and on the Files tab there is a
    Support File Search Path folder where you need to add the path to your
    folder that contains you customized *.mns file which hopefully also has your
    button bitmaps in it.

    Are your missing commands part of the Express Tools? If so, you need the
    original disk to load the Express Tools. Otherwise, you may be used to
    typing in commands that aren't recognized by the system because you need to
    customize the acad.pgp files. Go to Tools - Customize - Edit Custom Files -
    Program Parameters (acad.pgp). This will open the file where you can
    specify what command line text is used for the actual command. For example:
    I like to type DD to invoke the dimlinear command. After making changes to
    this file you have to save it and restart AutoCAD for it to recognize the

    I hope I helped.

    Relz, Jan 24, 2005
  3. Relz,

    All paths are in my Support File Search Path folder.
    There is no directory with toolbar bitmaps on my pc, however i get most
    button icons normally shown in my toolbars.
    These are standard AC toolbars and buttons, i made no new toolbars and
    buttons, just new rollout menuus in the upper bar (file-edit-view etc)

    The express tools work good. Just normal AC commands disappear, like
    _ai_molc (for changing a layer).
    Johan Grootveld, Jan 25, 2005
  4. Johan Grootveld

    Relz Guest

    What is the name of the toolbar that you are having trouble with?
    Relz, Jan 25, 2005
  5. Johan Grootveld

    Pete Guest

    Open the mns file that contains the toolbars that you are using. Using
    search and replace in your text editor, change all instances of ICON_16 to

    Have you tried typing ai_molc at the command line?
    Pete, Jan 27, 2005
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