Business partner wanted

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by MrMold, Jun 18, 2006.

  1. MrMold

    Cliff Guest

    IIRC We made our own at EW Mold & Tool.

    BTW, There are lots of expired patents on molds & mold components ..
    a prolonged patent search could be very profitable for some mold shops.
    These days such can be done on the Web (at least in the US for
    the US patent office).
    Cliff, Jun 21, 2006
  2. MrMold

    Bo Guest

    Defining what it is specifically that will give you an edge in today's
    market, and then deciding if you will want to do that job is a big step
    to deciding what piece of the American Dream you will attempt to grab.
    I look at today's magazines, which are advertising through and through,
    and I see articles about people who specialize in one way or another.

    Some people are expert at design, some at machining and some at
    building things. Finding a niche that allows you to become very good
    at something that gives you an edge is likely going to let you
    specialize, and maybe let you achieve more control of the American

    I have a brilliant engineer friend I went to school with who has a
    complete machine shop on his own land & buildings, and can do damn near
    anything mechanical in machinery and do it very well (better than me in
    machinery), but he never developed and nurtured a specialty, nor did he
    develop his own proprietary product line or become a major supplier to
    various other firms.

    My friend is now 60, and I think he has finally realized he can't crank
    handwheels forever, and his income stops when his hands give out, as he
    has no one else to work with. Though he is brilliant in solving
    problems with machinery and design, he was never able to become a
    person who managed and tought others in a specialty, where he would be
    in high demand, and could then have a chance of an ongoing business
    based on his intellectual property rather than his back.

    The whole history of man since the end of the last ice age has been a
    progression from a person & family that "did it all" to the current era
    of more & more specialized work is the norm for a given person. It is
    just that specialization that has allowed the rise in the standard of
    living, as these individuals are very efficient in doing what they do
    much faster than a "generalist" would, using lower technology

    Just my 4 cents worth for the decades I've been at it.

    Yogi Bera always said "When you come to the fork in the road...take
    it.", and such is life.

    Bo, Jun 21, 2006
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