Business partner wanted

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by MrMold, Jun 18, 2006.

  1. MrMold

    MrMold Guest

    I'm looking for a Business Partner for my Mid-Michigan Shop to grow and
    take to the next level.

    Here's what I have to offer.

    I have over 20 years as a Journeyman Tool and Die Maker. Last 10 years
    as the owner of my own business. I design, build and run injection
    molds. I have experience with stamping dies, fixtures and gages.
    Product developement, CAD, CAM, CNC, EDM and custom machining.

    The shop is well equipt 2400 sq/ft with 600 sq./ft office space located
    at the end of a quite street visible from US-10 hwy. Area is well known
    in the thermoforming industry.

    The equipment is Haas VF-2 machining center, 3 bridgeport mills, Large
    engine lathe, Charmilles EDM, Pantograph and cutter grinder, surface
    grinder, various support equiptment saws, bench grinders, Air comp. 220
    ton injection molder, 80 ton injection molder, and support equipment,
    Water tower, dryers, grinders, Fork truck, Pick-up truck. All equipt
    lean free.

    Software is Mastercam Surfcam, Cadkey, SolidWorks and several others.

    Company is debt free, and has been in the same location since
    inception. Room for expansion possible. Some contracts and customers in
    place. Has employed as many as 10 people but is currently run as a one
    man operation. Has established vendors and credit lines.

    Ideal candidate would have either or contracts/product line, cash or
    expertise in sales and marketing.

    Sweat equity arrangement possible. I'm not intersted in million dollar
    ideas where I have the only investment. I've tried this before and
    found that I am stuck with products I cannot leagally market and
    partners that have little incentive to succeed.

    I have told you what I can offer. Please contact me to tell me what you
    have to offer for a successful partnership opportunity.
    Mark Reynaert, President
    Mark Mold and Engineering
    PO Box 407
    773 W. Beamish Rd.
    Sanford, MI 48657
    Phone or Fax 989-687-9786
    MrMold, Jun 18, 2006
  2. MrMold

    Ben Eadie Guest

    That was a bit uncalled for Max. A guy asks for help and you slap him
    across the face?

    Ben Eadie, Jun 19, 2006
  3. MrMold

    Bo Guest

    Don't be so glib. He is smart enough to know he can't easily do it

    I realize the same thing. I've seen good & bad partners and good ones
    who turned bad.

    The biggest issue of all is finding the right partners or employees in
    a small operation. One sourpuss that you can't easily get rid of
    becomes a nightmare. It is one of the biggest problems a small
    business can face, but it is not usually called a "problem", but a
    decision. It is semantics maybe, but true. Get one heck of a good
    shareholder agreement that allows the Board to dismiss executives for
    cause, etc. and a share buyback plan that kicks in when anyone gets
    fired for same.

    Paul Allen was a shareholder with Bill Gates, and when Paul (who wrote
    much of the code as I recall the story) got sick with Hodgkins disease,
    Bill was looking for ways to kick Paul out and take his shares away.
    Bill Gates is NOT the type of guy you want for a partner, unless you
    have incredible huevos, and lawyers to back you up all the way.

    Bo, Jun 19, 2006
  4. MrMold

    blink Guest

    Don't you have homework to do? Or is summer school already out?
    blink, Jun 19, 2006
  5. MrMold

    MrMold Guest

    Tough crowd here.
    I'm sure someday you'll all accomplish what I have. The partner thing
    was more of a succesion plan, perhaps someone to compliment my
    strengths. I'm single, in my 40's and have no heirs. I built the
    company from scratch most days I work at least 12 hours. I thought this
    would be an opportunity of a lifetime for a motivated individual. It
    would take a few hundred of thousand dollars to duplicate my operation.
    I would have killed for a oportunity like this when I started in my
    garage 10 years ago. I've met very few people that have enough skill to
    do all the things I can do. I have much to teach and I still learning
    every day. I never have to worry about doing the same thing day in and
    day out. I'm never boared, I never have to put up with office politics,
    I come and go as I please. Isn't it time to light a fire under your
    ass. I'd love to hear your great occomplishments.
    MrMold, Jun 19, 2006
  6. MrMold

    Chris Dubea Guest

    I reread you original message and feel that Max's response was out of

    But saying that, you sound tired. Tired of being the only motivated
    individual in the organization. I can understand as I've been there.
    As the years roll on, the dull throb behind your eye's only get's
    worse. Unfortunately today's labor market is full of people who want
    to sit behind a computer all day and make $100K a year. Finding good
    motivated people out there is exceedingly difficult nowadays.

    Have you looked at selling your organization? This could put some
    cash in your pocket, and perhaps you could join another organization
    in a supervisory role. It seems like you have a wealth of experience
    that could make someone money. The downside is an awful lot of the
    manufacturing you are knowledgable in is migrating to China. This
    will definitely make it more difficult.

    Maybe you should take a short break and get away from the business for
    a while. Take an extended vacation. Clear your head. Then think
    about what you want and how you get there.

    Good luck.
    Chris Dubea, Jun 19, 2006
  7. MrMold

    Cliff Guest

    Considered a commission-only salesperson or a merger with someone local?
    IIRC There is a section in some Almanacs on trade organizations and I
    think I recall seeing one for independent sales folks ....

    Also, don't forget asking your local Chamber of Commerce, SCORE, the
    SBA, etc. Or contacting local business brokers .. they too may have ideas.
    Cliff, Jun 19, 2006
  8. MrMold

    MrMold Guest

    Thanks for the advice guys. Landed a few jobs today. I don't want to
    make it sound like its all doom and gloom here. Alot of guys in this
    industry are alot worse off than me. I can alway sell my expertise and
    make a living. I'm trying to build a business and there's only so much
    of me to go around. I've trained apprentices and thats a long process.
    The help I've hired in the past just want a paycheck. I need someone
    who see the "Big Picture" and wants the pride of ownership and a shot
    at the "American Dream".
    MrMold, Jun 19, 2006
  9. MrMold

    neil Guest

    the big picture is that the American Dream is over...join the global reality
    neil, Jun 19, 2006
  10. MrMold

    Bo Guest

    Neil, just a note to say that you look in your area of expertise hard
    enough and you may well find something here that is even more valuable
    than you could imagine, and maybe valuable "over there" & you design
    something better and patent it. It takes guts and some small gambling
    money, but if you pick a small enough project, you might be able to
    pull it off. If the first project doesn't cost too much, and doesn't
    fly, you try a 2nd project. Treat it as a serious hobby that may pay
    off one day.

    The Patent Cooperation Treaty has allowed for foreign filings in
    something approaching 150 countries now, and even China is starting to
    see the need to protect their own 'inventions'. Self-study can make
    you as good at patent searching and understanding patent claims as is
    needed to get a real good feel if your concept might be patentable or
    worthwhile. The U.S. Patent office web site allows easy searching of
    Patents by a large amount of criteria, making it truly easy compared to
    the 'old days' where you virtually had to go to WDC to quickly search

    The amount of goods that is shipped into NICs (newly industrialized
    countries) and the 3rd world countries in general is huge, and just one
    tiny crumb to a small company in the U.S. can be a large size order.

    Take a look, keep your eyes open for newer materials and machine
    processes and simplification to allow "all-in-one" product
    opportunities. Things like overmolding with TPE rubber, allowing one
    piece 'springy' products is a perfect example. Whenever there is a
    product that doesn't work well on some level, that represents an
    opportunity. It could be improved function, reduced pieces, reduced
    cost, improved quality or hopefully a combination of all improvements
    that makes your product more valuable than others.

    Naysayers are always around. "The next market crash is just a few
    months away." was a type of statement my father continually reminded me
    of which some persona on TV or radio was touting in his newest book,
    and my dad said "but I kept making money in the stock market throughout
    the time those books kept coming out."

    It is not easy or quick, but it only takes one hit in a lifetime to be
    truly worthwhile, and just like so many things, one good hit is all it
    takes to improve ones standard of living considerably. It takes
    training to be a good hitter, indeed. That is part of the game.

    Bo, Jun 19, 2006
  11. MrMold

    Cliff Guest

    Something like less than 5% of all patents ever earn their
    inventor a dime.
    And they can easily cost $5,000 - $10,000 just for starters.
    In the US there are also periodic renewal fees over their life ....
    Cliff, Jun 19, 2006
  12. MrMold

    John Layne Guest

    John Layne, Jun 19, 2006
  13. MrMold

    Cliff Guest

    How much can shipping be?
    Cliff, Jun 20, 2006
  14. MrMold

    neil Guest

    gosh long reply to a short jibe ;o)
    seriously though times have changed.
    either you will persist with the old beliefs or adapt to new situations.
    personally I think the US psych has some way to go to realign itself with
    the world in C21 but there you go....
    what ever the truth of the matter though it is abundantly obvious that there
    will be a vigorous scrap for $ and you can expect very tough competition
    from all quarters including NZ ;o)
    yeah we can learn to play the game and pitch a hard ball too...
    neil, Jun 20, 2006
  15. MrMold

    Bo Guest

    Yeah, take a look at a little New Zealand company MasTip which makes
    hot tip bushings for plastic injection molds.

    They seem to have done a pretty good job forming a good size business.

    Individuals are behind all new concepts though, regardless of country.

    Bo, Jun 20, 2006
  16. MrMold

    Bo Guest

    I one comes up with reasons "no to", it is easy not to justify going to
    college, or not taking that job with an industrial design firm because
    it pays less, or not to move to LA or Chicago because home prices are
    too high, and thereby never make the stretch to put yourself in the way
    of learning from, and making use of really talented people who may
    become your partners as some point.

    If you can't spend some money on developing and patenting a new
    product, then don't do it, and don't complain that "other people have
    all the luck".

    Before you decide to fully develop a product, do the patent research
    yourself and the market research to really understand the costs,
    markups, so you can estimate whether your idea is really viable

    If you wish to research patents heavily and virtually write your own,
    generate your own basic drawings and then get an amenable patent
    attorney or registered agent to work with you for a better rate because
    of all your preparation, you can get the initial patent done for less
    than $5k.

    Work? You bet. Worth it? Only you can answer that.

    Bo, Jun 20, 2006
  17. That's what I was thinking when I have read MrMold post.

    Igor Mironenko, Jun 20, 2006
  18. MrMold

    Cliff Guest

    Find a *CUSTOMER* !!
    Cliff, Jun 20, 2006
  19. MrMold

    Cliff Guest

    Is there anything actually new about them?
    Hot runner systems & the parts needed are not new ....
    Cliff, Jun 20, 2006
  20. MrMold

    Bo Guest

    Don't have to be entirely new to be better.

    I've used about 4 of them in recent molds, and they were better than my
    prior DME hot sprue bushings and available in far more sizes.

    Bo, Jun 21, 2006
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