Bus delimiter conversion in AssuraRCX

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by nativeda, Dec 18, 2007.

  1. nativeda

    nativeda Guest

    Hi All,

    I tried to perform a parasitic simulation on a layout whose some ports
    are labeled as IN<0>, IN<1> ..., but as rcxToDfii converts the bus
    signals to IN(0), IN(1)... the spectre netlister complains as

    \o Netlist Warning: Terminal IN<0> does not exist in
    \o cell-view "test" "test_top" "av_extracted"
    \o Netlist Warning: Mismatch was found between the terminals in the
    cellView and
    \o those on the pin order property on the schematic, or on the
    \o property on the CDF. The internal default order is being used.
    \o eliminate the mismatch if any of the above properties must be
    used for
    \o netlisting.
    \o ERROR: Netlister : member terminal 'IN<0>' of instance 'asic' in
    cell 'top_sim' view 'schematic' : cannot be found in the switche
    d master of the instance.

    Do I have to change the bus delimiters in schematic/layout from <> to
    () ?

    Thanks for help!
    nativeda, Dec 18, 2007
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