Bulk Merge

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Aggrevated, Jul 12, 2007.

  1. Aggrevated

    Aggrevated Guest

    Why can't I merge more than two surfaces at one time? That hoovers
    somethin fierce.

    Have to have >60 stupid merge features.
    Aggrevated, Jul 12, 2007
  2. Aggrevated

    Polymer Man Guest

    Especially irritating if you can't get clean individual merges due to
    imperfect intersections, but in areas that don't make any difference
    because they ultimately are removed. You either deal with the geom
    check error, or create ways to neatly trim areas that ultimately make
    no difference, adding unnecessary features.

    I'd like to be able to select several quilts that define a closed
    volume, but with extra junk outside, and merge all at once.

    Several years ago, I asked PTC for the ability to create a datum point
    at the intersection of two axis (like you can do with curves), and it
    showed up in the next build. Coincidence? Probably. I also asked for
    the multiple surface merge function, but I keep not getting it.
    Polymer Man, Jul 12, 2007
  3. Aggrevated

    David Janes Guest

    Especially irritating if you can't get clean individual merges due to
    imperfect intersections, but in areas that don't make any difference
    because they ultimately are removed. You either deal with the geom
    check error, or create ways to neatly trim areas that ultimately make
    no difference, adding unnecessary features.

    I'd like to be able to select several quilts that define a closed
    volume, but with extra junk outside, and merge all at once.

    Several years ago, I asked PTC for the ability to create a datum point
    at the intersection of two axis (like you can do with curves), and it
    showed up in the next build. Coincidence? Probably. I also asked for
    the multiple surface merge function, but I keep not getting it.

    I don't know how much happier you'd be to select all the surface in your 'bulk merge', wait 90 minutes and have the thing fail. On an accuracy issue or something else, probably wouldn't matter, you'd be just as disappointed!!! Knowing Pro/e's internal processing machinery, bulk merge wouldn't buy you much if anything.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Jul 13, 2007
  4. Aggrevated

    Aggrevated Guest

    I think most of us Engineers are a little OCD. Having all that junk
    cluttering up my tree is just irritating. Even a bulk merge that
    "joined" and didn't have the trimming would be handy.

    Sure, packing every quilt into the merge would take a long time; it's
    also dumb. But doing 3-4 at a time would be nice
    Aggrevated, Jul 13, 2007
  5. Aggrevated

    David Janes Guest

    I think most of us Engineers are a little OCD. Having all that junk
    cluttering up my tree is just irritating. Even a bulk merge that
    "joined" and didn't have the trimming would be handy.

    Sure, packing every quilt into the merge would take a long time; it's
    also dumb. But doing 3-4 at a time would be nice

    I was actually thinking of something much better. You know how 'Wrap' projects a curve onto a surface so that it wraps around and follows the contour of the projected surfaces. What about a Surface Wrap function that would project an outline onto some surfaces? It would duplicate the merged, final quilt, but skip adding the "merge" features. It would simply copy one side of some existing, intersecting patches, out of which it would produce either a dependent or independent surface (probably not a quilt since not a combination of individual surfaces), but an independent whole, no merging required. And, if this were an independent copy, the original could be deleted, thus simplifying the model tree. (I'm sure some other software, like Catia or UGS, already do it this way, so they know it's possible.)

    David Janes
    David Janes, Jul 13, 2007
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