building string out of list of strings

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Suresh Jeevanandam, Nov 30, 2005.

  1. In SKILL, I have a list of strings, and I want to build a new string
    with each string surrounded with double quotes.
    ll = list("a" "b" "c")

    => "a b c" (<--Not what I want)

    buildString(mapcar(lambda((s) sprintf(nil "%L" s)) ll))
    => "\"a\" \"b\" \"c\"" (<-- This is what I wanted.)
    Is there any other better/simpler way of doing this?

    Suresh Jeevanandam, Nov 30, 2005
  2. Well, your way isn't that bad - but here's another:

    strcat("\"" buildString(ll "\" \"") "\"")

    Andrew Beckett, Nov 30, 2005
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