Buggy behaviour with Analog DE / Spectre and newline in input.scs

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by decertan, Mar 28, 2006.

  1. decertan

    decertan Guest


    I have a very annoying situation when simulating a design using the
    analog design environment and spectre. I have included a diffAmp from
    the ahdlLib and so the final line of my input.scs file reads:

    ahdl_include "long path to verilog \

    Now I get the error message: bad include filename syntax: ("long path
    to verilog).
    Please notice that the last line somehow
    gets swallowed by spectre. When I manually delete the backslash
    and force everything onto one line I can simulate just fine. There
    are many occurences of the backslash character in my input.scs file
    spectre always continues to the new line, expept for this *darn" case.
    Could anybody help me please, before I loose my mind ;-).

    decertan, Mar 28, 2006
  2. decertan

    fogh Guest

    Hi Mathias ,

    For a quick solution/workaround you have two ways of influencing this:
    - use the asimenv.* variable that defines the executable name, and point
    it to a script. In the script you can use awk/sed/perl to collate the
    wrapped line, and then call spectre with all arguments.
    - use the flowchart mecanism of ADE to call this preprocessing.
    fogh, Mar 28, 2006
  3. The most likely is that you have hnlMaxLineLength set in a .simrc or .cdsinit
    file somewhere.

    hnlSoftLineLength is a better way of restricting the length, but best still is
    to not set either...

    You should not have to do the hacks that Frederic was suggesting.

    Andrew Beckett, Mar 31, 2006
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