Bug like This?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by CSWP, Dec 22, 2003.

  1. CSWP

    CSWP Guest

    CSWP, Dec 22, 2003
  2. Classic!
    What's that sound Homer Simpson make when he knows he just screwed up?
    Keith Streich, Dec 22, 2003
  3. CSWP

    Jim Sculley Guest

    Jim Sculley, Dec 23, 2003
  4. CSWP

    Art Woodbury Guest

    Art Woodbury, Dec 23, 2003
  5. CSWP

    Jim Sculley Guest

    Jim Sculley, Dec 23, 2003
  6. CSWP

    Jeff N Guest

    Disclaimer: Slightly OT.
    The last place I worked for was a company that designs nuclear waste
    processing equipment. Around 50 years ago the DOE buried liquid nuclear
    waste in metal caskets in the ground out in Washington state. For some
    reason they did this close to the Washington river. Well the caskets only
    had a 50-year life span and a few years ago those caskets began to leak high
    level and low level nuclear waste into the river and surrounding soil. Not
    good. So our non-preventitive government decided to get the liquid waste out
    of the ground, turn it into solid waste and bury it again.

    This kind of applies to software programmers. They know there's shit in the
    code, but why fix it until you're forced to? I think the downfall to any
    preventitive action is the risk of wasted cost. No one wants to spend extra
    money if they aren't 100% the issue will ever arise or maybe they are
    ignorant to the issue entirely.
    Jeff N, Dec 24, 2003
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