Bug in DOSlib in Acad 2004?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Matthew Taylor, Nov 24, 2003.

  1. Using DOSLib 6.1, code that works fine in AutoCAD 2002 will Crash
    AutoCAD 2004 every time it is run.

    On AutoCAD 2002 typing:
    (dos_regget "program" "section" "key")
    Gives the result:

    However, on AutoCAD 2004 running under Windows 2000 or XP, & the 2004
    version of DOSlib, typing the command either makes AutoCAD quit
    instantly without any error messages appearing, or under Architectural
    Desktop 2004 gives the error
    "exception error 0xC0000005 (access violation)"

    Is this a known bug in DOSlib? Is there any way of getting around the


    Matthew Taylor, Nov 24, 2003
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