BSOD when exiting Solidworks 2006

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Not Necessarily Me, Nov 8, 2005.

  1. BSOD when exiting Solidworks 2006... Any ideas, already did a re-install
    after uninstalling and registry clean. At first I thought it was a registry
    problem as I was getting BSODs when ever I changed a setting in Solidworks.
    At this point I'm just trying to determine if it is hardware or OS.

    Not Necessarily Me, Nov 8, 2005
  2. Not Necessarily Me

    Michael Guest

    it may be a corrupt file--does it happen all the time, or only when working
    with particular parts/assemblies?
    Michael, Nov 8, 2005
  3. Not Necessarily Me

    El Phantazmo Guest

    What does the BSOD say? (ie. what error did it generate?), usually in
    the first couple of lines of Bills Sudden Onset Destruction.
    El Phantazmo, Nov 8, 2005
  4. Not Necessarily Me

    TOP Guest

    You need to write down the first couple of line on the BSOD and then
    search MSoft for the meaning. It may have nothing to do with SW.
    TOP, Nov 8, 2005
  5. Not Necessarily Me

    Gil Alsberg Guest

    sorry for my ignorance but what the heck is BSOD???
    Gil Alsberg, Nov 8, 2005
  6. Not Necessarily Me

    John Layne Guest


    Not that common any more in XP usually a hardware or driver fault.

    John Layne
    John Layne, Nov 8, 2005
  7. Not Necessarily Me

    Gil Alsberg Guest

    thanks, another hole in my education is now filled :)
    Gil Alsberg, Nov 9, 2005
  8. Hey guys,

    We found the problem. The 3 system files associated with my profile got
    screwed up somehow. By logging into a different profile with admin
    privileges we were able to copy the files from another profile and get the
    system up and running again. I'm glad our IT guy knows more about this
    stuff than I do...

    Not Necessarily Me, Nov 9, 2005
  9. Not Necessarily Me

    WT Guest

    What 3 files????? This would be good info to have documented here in
    case someone ele runs into it.

    I also wonder if you would have been able to blow away the SW CU key
    and have it recreate it and fix the problem.

    WT, Nov 9, 2005
  10. In the folder called DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS and then in your user folder
    (mine is JEFF) you will find NTUSER.DAT, ntuser.ini and ntuser.dat.log.
    These files are the heart & soul of the registry. My IT guy says there was
    something screwed up in the user hive. You will have to log on as
    administrator to be able to back up these files, I zipped them up so that I
    can easily restore them if this ever happens again.

    hope this helps,
    Not Necessarily Me, Nov 10, 2005
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