browse files

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by stroller, Nov 15, 2005.

  1. stroller

    stroller Guest

    hi, i'd really like to have a browse widget on my skill forms to enable
    a user to point at the unix dir he wants to deposit all the files i'm
    exporting as part of a custom mixed-signal methodology. i can't seem to
    find a public function for this though, am i just missing this in the
    manual or did cadence choose not to make this a public function?

    stroller, Nov 15, 2005
  2. The reason is that there is no common file browser until ICOA5251 - I think the
    function there is something like hiDisplayFileDialog() - I've only done a quick
    search... there are several related functions - and these are covered in the
    User Interface SKILL Functions manual.

    With the move to Qt based widgets, it was about time we did this.

    Before now, some applications have developed their own browsers, but there was
    no central file browser.


    Andrew Beckett, Nov 15, 2005
  3. stroller

    stroller Guest

    ok, thx andy.
    stroller, Nov 16, 2005
  4. After reading this sentence I had to rub my eyes and do some searching
    on the web on Cadence and Qt without very much luck.

    We use IC51 currently so excuse me if there is something in the newer
    releases that I have missed.

    When will we see ADE in QT?
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Nov 16, 2005
  5. ICOA5251, not IC5141. The whole of DFII (well, most of it; there's the odd thing
    here and there that still uses Motif) is in Qt since ICOA5251 - although there
    is not much taking advantage of this in ICOA5251 - that's coming later. Existing
    "hi" based forms now use underlying Qt widgets instead of underlying Motif

    So you'll see some changes in the look and feel (e.g. tear-off menus, buttons at
    bottoms of forms instead of the top, some ability to apply styles to alter the
    appearance of the widgets) - but the bigger changes are due next year.

    Andrew Beckett, Nov 16, 2005
  6. stroller

    Trevor Bowen Guest

    So, what are the bigger changes? :)

    Trevor Bowen, Nov 18, 2005
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