Broken pipe error while using CADENCE

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Udupa, Feb 5, 2004.

  1. Udupa

    Udupa Guest

    I am using cadence.2002a 4.4.6 release on a Solaris Release 5.8. while
    designing using the virtuso layout editor, If I zoom in to a very
    close scale and try to zoom out, the system crashes with errno 32
    (broken pipe) and goes to the log in prompt.

    The last few entries in the CDSlog file was as follows:
    \a mouseAddPt()
    \i 2447.9:1229.8
    \r t
    \a geSingleSelectBox()
    \i 642.9:1470.5
    \p >
    \a addPoint(hiGetCommandPoint())
    \i 1535.4:758.5
    \r t
    \r nil
    \a hiZoomIn()
    \i 753.2:1590.8
    \p >
    \a addPoint(hiGetCommandPoint())
    \i 1395:768.5
    \r t
    \r t
    \e IO Error on Display :0.0, errno = 32
    \o (ddserv) library manager exited with status: -111
    \o (ddserv) library browser exited with status: -111

    Any help in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated.

    Udupa, Feb 5, 2004
  2. Udupa

    Erik Wanta Guest

    See sourcelink solution 11084654:

    X-Server crashes while doing a drag or zoom operation in Layout or

    *Error Message:
    IO Error on Display :0.0, errno = 32
    *Problem Statement:

    I'm using IC software on Solaris 8. When I Zoom In or Out in a big
    Layout or Schematic, the XServer crashes. I see the Error Message
    mentioned above. The problem appears during Drag operation as well.
    The problem appears with IC443 as well as IC446.

    checkSysConf reports no problem related to OS patches. How can I solve
    this issue?


    This is an OS specific issue. Installing the following patch should
    solve your problem:

    108652-65(Xsun patch)

    If you are using M64 Graphics card, also install following patch:

    108606-30(M64 Graphics Patch)

    Note: Cadence R&D is testing above patch levels with different product
    groups and will update patch data files for checkSysConf after
    Erik Wanta, Feb 5, 2004
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