Broken-out section

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Wayne Tiffany, Aug 23, 2005.

  1. Does anyone use this for SW2005? I have tried everything that I can think
    of to make it work and all I get is nothing! I can follow the help, I can
    sketch a spline, I can click preview, I set a depth, it creates the view in
    the tree, but I still can't see what's inside the piece of tubing that is
    the reason for it to be. It's like it thinks all is well, except that it
    forgot to actually do it. SW with Alzheimer's?

    Wayne Tiffany, Aug 23, 2005
  2. Wayne Tiffany wrote:

    SW with Alzheimer's?
    Wayne -

    I assume when you click preview, you can see the "Cutting plane" (in my
    setup, it's yellow) in a corresponding associated view that gives you an
    idea where the cut will occur?

    And Dale, I was able to copy and paste a broken out section view onto
    the same and different sheets, no problemo, with 2006sp0....
    Steve Rauenbuehler, Aug 23, 2005
  3. Ok, so it does work - how about a simple lesson? This is silly - I'm
    usually the one on the other end.......

    Wayne Tiffany, Aug 23, 2005
  4. Ah, a clue - you have to pick the depth entity in another view???? I
    figured I could just put a value in the depth box and it would cut in that
    far??? I also maybe now see that it won't work on an iso view????

    Wayne Tiffany, Aug 23, 2005
  5. Wayne Tiffany

    IYM Guest


    Use them all the time, but can't in an iso... The biggest tip I can give
    you for normal views is that the depth you set is from the most extreme
    boundary of the part or assembly. As was mentioned, if your trying to
    breakout in a front view, set to preview and watch the yellow plane in the
    side or top view to see where the cut is. But like I said, if your trying
    to cut 1/2 way in on a part with 2 diameters, and one is 1" the other is
    1.5", and you want the broken view to go to the middle, even though your
    spline is over the 1" diameter part your depth would have to be .75"....

    Once you do it once, you get used to it...The way I do Iso's though is to
    create a derived configuration in the model, then create a revolved cut (or
    such) and have the feature resolved only in that config. Then in the
    drawing, set the properties of the ISO to use the derived config....

    IYM, Aug 23, 2005
  6. That's how I do it, I type a value in the box. Or you can select an
    edge. But you can look in another view to see where that plane is
    cutting, if "Preview" is checked.

    I tried a broken out section in an ISO view. It worked, but I got some
    real whacko result. Not much value. I think if you want a broken out
    section in an isometric view, you'll probably have to build it into your
    model and show it as a configuration.

    Steve R
    Steve Rauenbuehler, Aug 23, 2005
  7. Ok, I kind of got it to work. It's not quite as intuitive as one might hope
    for, but I can live with it. Thanks.

    Wayne Tiffany, Aug 23, 2005
  8. Wayne Tiffany

    Jim Sculley Guest

    My broken out sections are usually centered on a cylindrical feature, so
    I simply turn on temporary axes and select the axis for the depth.

    Jim S.
    Jim Sculley, Aug 23, 2005
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