Broken Links in Assembly

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by bigal, Sep 28, 2005.

  1. bigal

    bigal Guest

    This occurred on SWx 2004 SP3.0 files located on a Netware 5.0 server.
    We had a power failure while SWx had this assembly open on a XP
    Workstation that did not crash the server, but the workstation did shut
    down. Ultimately the server had to hard booted to resolve start-up
    problems. When attempting to access the assembly, many parts in the
    assembly could not be accessed by the assembly file (unexpected error).
    Went back to the back-up tape for the previous day version, loaded
    that, same problem. Any ideas before I recreate the assembly?
    bigal, Sep 28, 2005
  2. bigal

    Cliff Guest

    Failing hard drive(s)?
    Cliff, Sep 28, 2005
  3. bigal

    TVO Guest

    Try delete all - hidden - files starting with ~$
    Might help but not for sure.

    TVO, Sep 29, 2005
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