Broken drawing view

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Wayne Tiffany, Jun 4, 2004.

  1. Ran into a possible bug here. SW2004, SP2.1 & 3.0 Please try this to
    confirm. I'll describe this as we found it, however, I don't think the names
    of the files are significant. :)

    Put a view of a long shaft in a drawing. Make the shaft long enough to make
    a significant break in it. This shaft has a round end keyway in it at both
    ends. Rotate the view so the shaft is running horizontally across the
    drawing. Insert a vertical break that greatly reduces the length of the
    view. Now try to put a dimension on the round end of the keyway at either
    end - won't dimension.

    Now some of the observations.

    1. If the view is oriented such that the break is a horizontal one rather
    than a vertical one, all works as expected.
    2. If the end of the shaft is turned down and therefore has a radius at the
    shoulder, it also will not work.
    3. If a complete circle (hole) is put in, it works ok.
    4. Both ends work the same way.
    5. Another shaft or drawing doesn't change anything.
    6. If the view is unbroken, dimensions are ok, so unbreak, dimension, then
    rebreak it.
    7. It appears that the scale of the view relative to the sheet or drawing
    size doesn't matter.
    8. It seems that if the amount of the shaft that is removed is below some
    magic threshold, it still works.
    9. Once you cross that point, sometimes you can slide the break lines back
    out and it will work again. Most of the time not.
    10. I looked for a point of say 50% removed, but couldn't find any
    consistency in the misbehaving.
    11. I thought maybe it was related to the end of the part finally crossing
    over the sheet boundary, but couldn't make that be it either.
    12. I didn't try anything other than a round bar - flat may or may not be
    the same.

    Wayne Tiffany, Jun 4, 2004
  2. Wayne Tiffany

    Krister L Guest

    I've had troubles with dimensions in broken views for a long time.....same
    thing if You try to put in a centerline.... it doesn't work in broken views.

    Krister L
    Krister L, Jun 4, 2004
  3. Wayne Tiffany

    Seth Renigar Guest

    Angle dimensions sometimes go crazy after reopening a drawing with broken
    views. It has gotten better in SW2004 though. It now only happens
    occasionally. In SW2003, you might as well forget putting an angle
    dimension in a view that was broken.
    Seth Renigar, Jun 4, 2004
  4. Wayne Tiffany

    Mr. Pickles Guest

    Come on Wayne. Pick pick pick.

    Oh kay, enough of the teasin'.

    Used to have similar issues with them rotated broken views. I think it was
    Krister that just mentioned the centerlines. We had a broken view that we
    rotated to horizontal (was vertical), and we couldn't put in a centerline.
    But that was many service packs ago and we did the ole workaround and
    haven't looked back.

    had a view the on an older drawing the other day that when I open in
    SW2004sp3 and did a rebuild, all the dimensions went flip-floppy. I mean it
    was one of them "I can't describe it deals". The view was an angled view,
    that we had rotated to be horizontal by origin. It was like the vertical
    dimensions lines were running along the original angle, and the leaders
    wererunning horizontal. The horizontal dimensions were the same, but
    backwards. Ended up recreating the whole view, and doing something "weird"
    with the break alignment I think. I'm getting old and forgettin' a lot.

    Mr. Pickles
    Mr. Pickles, Jun 5, 2004
  5. A bit more testing.

    13. Flat bar works the same way.
    14. The issue appears to not be whether the break is horizontal or
    vertical, but rather if the view has been rotated. If you rotate the view
    90° it fails. If you rotate something like 15° it still fails.

    Wayne Tiffany, Jun 5, 2004
  6. Wayne Tiffany

    Merry Owen Guest


    A workaround - change the view orientation in the part so it displays
    horiozontally in the front view. This should allow it to work OK in your

    Merry :)
    Merry Owen, Jun 6, 2004
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