bridging between bodies

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jack, Jan 17, 2007.

  1. Jack

    Jack Guest

    I have a multi body part that requires two bodies to be joined (morphed)
    in a controllable way. The SWorks 2007 help screen only shows Bridging
    in the multi body section as a "commonly used technique in a multi body
    environment", but doesn't give any how to's. Is this just another way
    of describing a loft? Maybe a tool button that I don't have turned on?
    Jack, Jan 17, 2007
  2. Jack

    matt Guest

    Bridging is just a technique, not a tool. You can use any solid
    feature that creates the geometry you're looking for, such as a loft or
    an extrude. Just make sure the Merge Result option is turned on and the
    new feature actually touches both bodies.
    matt, Jan 17, 2007
  3. Jack

    Jack Guest

    Thanks Matt, that was what I suspected, but thought it was worth asking.
    Jack, Jan 17, 2007
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