Brep in VBA

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Roel Westhoff [W4], Oct 14, 2004.

  1. Hi all,

    Is there a way of using the Brep library (included in objectarx) with vba or c#
    I need geometric information on generated solids based on the extraction of two other solids
    My application environment is vba and not objectarx

    If not are there any third-party products available

    Roel Westhoff
    W4 Software & Consultancy BV
    Weert Netherlands
    Roel Westhoff [W4], Oct 14, 2004
  2. Roel Westhoff [W4]

    Kevin Terry Guest

    Do you have mdt? If so there is a developer help file that documents the use of the brepAuto library in vba included with mdt (the file is brepauto.dll).


    Hi all,

    Is there a way of using the Brep library (included in objectarx) with vba or c#
    I need geometric information on generated solids based on the extraction of two other solids
    My application environment is vba and not objectarx

    If not are there any third-party products available

    Roel Westhoff
    W4 Software & Consultancy BV
    Weert Netherlands
    Kevin Terry, Oct 15, 2004
  3. Kevin,

    Mdt? Can you explain what this is.

    Do you have mdt? If so there is a developer help file that documents the use of the brepAuto library in vba included with mdt (the file is brepauto.dll).


    Hi all,

    Is there a way of using the Brep library (included in objectarx) with vba or c#
    I need geometric information on generated solids based on the extraction of two other solids
    My application environment is vba and not objectarx

    If not are there any third-party products available

    Roel Westhoff
    W4 Software & Consultancy BV
    Weert Netherlands
    Roel Westhoff [W4], Oct 23, 2004
  4. Roel Westhoff [W4]

    Kevin Terry Guest

    mdt = mechanical desktop

    there are actually two helpfiles: McadVBA.chm & mcadauto.hlp



    Mdt? Can you explain what this is.

    Do you have mdt? If so there is a developer help file that documents the use of the brepAuto library in vba included with mdt (the file is brepauto.dll).


    Hi all,

    Is there a way of using the Brep library (included in objectarx) with vba or c#
    I need geometric information on generated solids based on the extraction of two other solids
    My application environment is vba and not objectarx

    If not are there any third-party products available

    Roel Westhoff
    W4 Software & Consultancy BV
    Weert Netherlands
    Kevin Terry, Oct 23, 2004
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