break and first point

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by AHILL, Jul 14, 2004.

  1. AHILL

    AHILL Guest

    Maybe I'm going nuts but.... I swear my break command always went like this: select object, select first point, select second point. Now it goes: select object, select second point. (uses the spot I selected the line as the first point.) I realize this is how the command is setup, and I just need to push "F" to choose a new first point, but I dont' want to have to take this extra step. Is there a setting that will make the command alway ask for the first point, after the line is selected? I typically choose the break points with osnaps, and so it is not usefull for me to have the point I'm selecting the line be my first break point. Make any sense at all?!?!?

    thanks in advance
    AHILL, Jul 14, 2004
  2. Create a new button and assign to it the macro:
    ^C^C_break \_f
    That will let you select the object first, then the first point, then the
    second point and brake it at he end that.
    John Georgiev, Jul 14, 2004
  3. AHILL

    doug k Guest

    i believe autocad's break command always worked this way.

    were you used to using a macro or button pick for the command?

    i'm betting you were used to picking the "break f" button. if i remember
    correctly, that button was omitted in recent releases.

    just put it back.

    this: select object, select first point, select second point. Now it goes:
    select object, select second point. (uses the spot I selected the line as
    the first point.) I realize this is how the command is setup, and I just
    need to push "F" to choose a new first point, but I dont' want to have to
    take this extra step. Is there a setting that will make the command alway
    ask for the first point, after the line is selected? I typically choose the
    break points with osnaps, and so it is not usefull for me to have the point
    I'm selecting the line be my first break point. Make any sense at all?!?!?
    doug k, Jul 14, 2004
  4. AHILL

    AHILL Guest

    thanks for the advise. I don't think I ever used a macro for this, and definatley never used a button. Could I envoke this behavior with the stock ACAD br command, or do I have to go lisp or something? I try not to use buttons if I can help it. Just used to typing I guess.
    AHILL, Jul 14, 2004
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