Break a line

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Nygaard, Apr 8, 2005.

  1. Nygaard

    Nygaard Guest

    I want to break a line an insert a block in the hole.

    Is there anyone who can tell me how to do that.


    Nygaard, Apr 8, 2005
  2. Nygaard

    Jackrabbit Guest

    Prompt user to select original line and break point.
    Save original line information (endpoints, layer, linetype, etc.)
    Erase the original line.
    Calculate the break gap (width of block, line angle, etc.)
    Calculate the endpoints of the two new lines.
    Add the new lines to the database.
    Add an instance of the block to the database.
    Jackrabbit, Apr 8, 2005
  3. Nygaard

    Ed Jobe Guest

    I've already done that for schematic symbols. This sub allows you to place
    blocks and then select them all at once and breaks all the lines. If this is
    what you're looking for, I'll supply the other subs that it calls.

    Public Sub BreakLineByBlock()
    'Break lines around block insertions.

    Dim str As String
    Dim strHandle As String
    Dim objLine As AcadLine
    Dim objLine1 As AcadLine
    Dim objLine2 As AcadLine
    Dim objSubEnt As AcadEntity
    Dim objBlock As AcadBlockReference
    Dim ssBlocks As AcadSelectionSet
    Dim ssLines As AcadSelectionSet
    Dim vSubEnts As Variant
    Dim vMinPoint As Variant
    Dim vMaxPoint As Variant
    Dim vIntPoint As Variant
    Dim vCPoint As Variant 'compare point
    Dim vSPoint As Variant 'start point
    Dim vSPoint1 As Variant 'start point prime
    Dim vEPoint As Variant 'end point
    Dim vEPoint1 As Variant 'end point prime
    Dim dPickPoint(0 To 1) As Double
    Dim dPoint(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim dDistSP As Double 'shortest distance from start point
    Dim dDistEP As Double 'shortest distance from end point
    Dim dDistC As Double 'comparison distance
    Dim dVertList(0 To 7) As Double
    Dim iL As Integer 'lines counter
    Dim iP As Integer 'points counter
    Dim iSE As Integer 'sub entities counter
    Dim iCntL As Integer 'line count
    Dim iCntP As Integer 'point count
    Dim iCntSE As Integer 'sub entity count
    Dim PtsInsideBB As Integer '0=none: 1=StartPoint: 2=EndPoint
    Dim varFilterType(0) As Integer
    Dim varFilterData(0) As Variant
    Dim vFT As Variant
    Dim vFD As Variant
    Dim BBpoints(0 To 4) As Point 'Bounding box points list
    Dim Cpoint As Point 'compare point

    On Error GoTo Err_Control
    'Set up undo for this command
    'get blocks
    ThisDrawing.Utility.Prompt "Lines will be broken around selected
    Set ssBlocks = toolbox.ejSelectionSets.GetSS_BlockFilter
    For Each objBlock In ssBlocks
    'Use the block's bounding box to select ents that intersect with it.
    objBlock.GetBoundingBox vMinPoint, vMaxPoint
    BBpoints(0).X = vMinPoint(0): BBpoints(0).y = vMinPoint(1)
    BBpoints(1).X = vMaxPoint(0): BBpoints(1).y = vMinPoint(1)
    BBpoints(2).X = vMaxPoint(0): BBpoints(2).y = vMaxPoint(1)
    BBpoints(3).X = vMinPoint(0): BBpoints(3).y = vMaxPoint(1)
    BBpoints(4).X = vMinPoint(0): BBpoints(4).y = vMinPoint(1)
    toolbox.ejSelectionSets.AddSelectionSet ssLines, "ssLines"
    varFilterType(0) = 0: varFilterData(0) = "LINE"
    vFT = varFilterType: vFD = varFilterData
    ssLines.Select acSelectionSetCrossing, vMaxPoint, vMinPoint, vFT,
    'get subent's of block
    vSubEnts = objBlock.Explode
    iCntSE = UBound(vSubEnts)
    For Each objLine In ssLines
    'Compare subentity intersection points with line start and
    'end points to determine new line segment. Points creating the
    'shortest line segments should be the outer limits of the block.
    'Any other intersections are inside the block and are discarded.
    ' Get reference info.
    vSPoint = objLine.StartPoint
    vEPoint = objLine.EndPoint
    dDistSP = toolbox.ejMath.XYZDistance(vSPoint, vEPoint)
    dDistEP = toolbox.ejMath.XYZDistance(vEPoint, vSPoint)
    Cpoint.X = vSPoint(0): Cpoint.y = vSPoint(1)
    If toolbox.ejMath.InsidePolygon(BBpoints, Cpoint) = True Then
    PtsInsideBB = PtsInsideBB Or 1
    Cpoint.X = vEPoint(0): Cpoint.y = vEPoint(1)
    If toolbox.ejMath.InsidePolygon(BBpoints, Cpoint) = True Then
    PtsInsideBB = PtsInsideBB Or 2
    For iSE = 0 To iCntSE
    'get list of points where the line intersects with the block
    Set objSubEnt = vSubEnts(iSE)
    vIntPoint = objSubEnt.IntersectWith(objLine, acExtendNone)
    'Compare to line segment lengths.
    If UBound(vIntPoint) > -1 Then
    iCntP = (UBound(vIntPoint) + 1) / 3
    For iP = 1 To iCntP
    vCPoint = toolbox.ejMath.Point3D((vIntPoint(iP * 3 -
    3)), (vIntPoint(iP * 3 - 2)), (vIntPoint(iP * 3 - 1)))
    dDistC = toolbox.ejMath.XYZDistance(vSPoint,
    If dDistC < dDistSP Then
    dDistSP = dDistC
    vSPoint1 = vCPoint
    End If
    dDistC = toolbox.ejMath.XYZDistance(vCPoint,
    If dDistC < dDistEP Then
    dDistEP = dDistC
    vEPoint1 = vCPoint
    End If
    Next iP
    'the array returned by IntersectWith is dimensioned
    ' (0 To -1) when there are no points.
    End If
    Next iSE
    Select Case Round(objLine.Length, 14)
    Case Is = Round(dDistSP, 14)
    'line did not intersect the block
    'do nothing
    Case Is = Round(dDistSP + dDistEP, 14)
    'One end of the line is inside the block and does
    'not pass through, only one intersection point.
    'Determine whether start point or end
    'point is in the block and trim it. Assume the smaller
    'distance is inside the block.
    If dDistSP > dDistEP Then
    'the endpoint is in the block
    objLine.EndPoint = vEPoint1
    'the startpoint is in the block
    objLine.StartPoint = vSPoint1
    End If
    Case Else
    'enough intersection points exist to break the line
    'create two new lines and delete the original
    Select Case PtsInsideBB
    Case Is = 0 'neither end is inside
    If ThisDrawing.ActiveSpace = acModelSpace Then
    Set objLine1 =
    ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(vSPoint, vSPoint1)
    Set objLine2 =
    ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(vEPoint1, vEPoint)
    Set objLine1 =
    ThisDrawing.PaperSpace.AddLine(vSPoint, vSPoint1)
    Set objLine2 =
    ThisDrawing.PaperSpace.AddLine(vEPoint1, vEPoint)
    'update new lines so that they will be seen
    by the next attempt to
    'get a selection set
    End If
    Case Is = 1 'start point is inside
    objLine.StartPoint = vEPoint1
    Case Is = 2 'end point is inside
    objLine.EndPoint = vSPoint1
    Case Is = 3 'both ends are inside
    End Select
    PtsInsideBB = 0 'reset for next line
    End Select
    Next objLine
    For iSE = 0 To iCntSE
    Set objSubEnt = vSubEnts(iSE)
    Next iSE
    Next objBlock

    Exit Sub

    Select Case Err.Number
    Case -2147352567
    If GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE) And &H8000 > 0 Then
    Resume Exit_Here
    ElseIf GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) > 0 Then
    End If
    Case Else
    MsgBox Err.Description
    Resume Exit_Here
    End Select
    End Sub
    Ed Jobe, Apr 8, 2005
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